Sunday, September 1, 2019

Web – Based Library System

Overview of the Current State of Technology 1. 2. Local Literature De La Salle University Library System Migration: A Strategic Decision Library automation at DLSU-Manila had undergone a gradual but steady development. It started in 1985 when it implemented the MINISIS software/Hewlett Packard 3000 hardware package. The system was able to create 11,000 bibliographic records for Filipiniana and Reference collections. The massive hardware maintenance problem led to a management decision to phase out the system in 1988. At the later part of the same year MINISIS was replaced by its micro version known as CDS-ISIS.The software with one stand-alone XT computer facility automated the indexing of articles from more than 100 locally published periodicals including newspapers, magazines, and journals. Additional databases were created as the number of computers increased. The index became searchable simultaneously by several users when the computer facilities were networked in 1992. In the sa me year the CD-ROM technology was introduced for information retrieval of selected indexes and abstracts.Perla T. Garcia, Director of DLSU Library (2004) states the reasons for changes: * Technical Development and Vendor Stability Networking * Expansion of Databases â€Å"Despite the struggle the DLSU Library encountered in running the system during the first two years the circulation module was successfully implemented in February 1997. Toward the end of the decade the system was upgraded incorporating the suggestions made by the participating libraries. The new version was renamed T-Series which enhanced the loan process and improved the other information management functions of the earlier edition. † [1] The upgraded version of the system has become an inevitable feature at DLSU Library.However, when it was established that the vendor of the system has closed shop and has merged with another company, the University Library started to work on the future of the library syste m that can be considered to replace T-Series. These reasons are provided for the new system that will replace the T-series. Ateneo De Manila University Professional Library Information System The Library Information System uses a Local Area Network (LAN) for data retrieval handled by five file servers housed in the Intermediate Distribution Function Room (IDFR).Its resources can be accessed thru 24 client stations strategically distributed within the Library and other stations located in different offices in APS such as AHRC, CLE and the Dean of the Law School. In-house databases and commercial databases on CD-ROMs can be accessed by pressing the key letter guide displayed alongside each menu. In the Reference Services, the reference librarian also provides reference assistance to library clients in the most effective use of the library resources and services, aside from conducting guidance to legal bibliography for law students.To provide a plentiful supply of good and useful books in support of its academic curricula is the main goal of the library. Teresita C. Moran, APS Chief Librarian (2004) states the APS Library system features: Online Public Access Catalog This is a catalog where library books, theses, computer files, law materials housed at the Teehankee Library inclusive of uncatalogued but accessioned materials such as serials, law and business periodicals, cases decided by the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and Philippine laws. Features: Search limits to format (any,books, maps, computer files, etc. ) – Search limits to field (any title,author, subject, etc. ) – Use both simple and complex algorithm using Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT, etc. ) -It provides user-controlled sort (by title,author,publisher, etc. ) – Work in conjunction with other modules – Provide safe environment to deal with potentially malicious users – Easily update for users convenience and accommodate their library needs – It provides sel ection and print options – Browse matches found in brief and full detail OPAC users are able to benefit greatly from up-to-date information – Patron can see actual Circulation status whether the item is on shelf, on loan, etc. – Password protected [2] WebPAC The Web Public Access Catalog is a guide to all the information sources to all the information sources of the library: books, compact discs, educational video tapes, theses, journals/serials, laws, legal cases and journal articles through simple search by author, title and subject.Features: – It enables the user to search any author, subject, title and publisher – Specify year from-to Get current information from the library’s local database – Includes matches found in your query – Full MARC record display – Applies to any standard internet browser (e. g. Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer) [3] The APS Library operates in an open stack set up. It adapted two ma jor systems of classifying book collections: first is the Library of Congress (LC) Classification system. This system is applied to Business and Information Technology holdings; second is the Los Angeles County Law Library Classifications (LACCLLC) scheme, which applies to the law holdings.Business and law journals are not classified as such but simply arranged alphabetically by title. The â€Å"The† code is the general classification used for both business and law theses. University of the Philippines iLib (Integrated Library System) â€Å"Technically, iLib is implemented in client-server architecture. In this configuration, all application programs run in the server (except for JavaScripts) and the user communicates with the server using a web browser, called the â€Å"thin client† in this architecture. No application is required to be installed in the user’s workstation other than the web browser to be able to use the system.All software updates, bug fixes, and enhancements are implemented in the server which can take effect immediately without requiring any updates or adjustments from the user’s end. † [4] Just like any common web-based systems, users can interact with the iLib system using a keyboard and mouse. Most interfaces in iLib require the user to key-in information in HTML forms using the keyboard and submit form data by clicking the â€Å"submit† buttons with a mouse. In most cases, hitting the â€Å"Enter† key (carriage return) from the keyboard can also trigger form submission.Arellano University Library System â€Å"The University Library comprises the following collections and services: Circulation Unit (foreign books on all fields of interest); Filipiniana Unit (books locally published in the Philippines, books written by Filipino author and books about the Philippines); Periodicals Unit (collection includes journals and magazines in various fields of interest); Reference Unit (collection of reference materials such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbook, almanac, geographical sources, etc. ; Audio-Visual Unit (a collection of audio-visual materials such as CD-ROM, VHS tapes & cassette tapes) and the Graduate School Unit (collection of books for post graduate level together with the thesis collection for reference purposes). As part of the library system, the adoption of computerized version of card catalog commonly known as OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalog) is used by the patrons as a medium of searching the library collection. † Arellano University library system offers different amenities and learning tools in comfortable environments which is intended for the greater benefit and convenience of its students.That is why they have improved their library with the use of OPAC to provide the users easiness and swiftly find what they are looking for. Far Eastern University Library System â€Å"The University Library is an indispensable educational and cultu ral repository. Refurbished and inaugurated on February 16, 1991 it has a book collection of more than 96,988 volumes and subscription to thousands of titles of magazines and journals in hard copies and in electronic format accessible through the EBSCO host Research Databases.The collection of books and other information resources fall under the following areas (easily accessible through the Online Public Access Catalog. † The FEU University Library aspires to be a leading academic information resource center and to be a dynamic partner in the University’s vision to develop responsible and well informed professionals who can contribute to the advancement of the global society. As usual nowadays, they provide an OPAC for easier researching of information from their libraries. 1. Foreign Literature Proposal for a University of Tennessee Digital Library Center James B. Lloyd (Special Collections Librarian and Chair, Digital Library Committee) and Bill Britten (Head of Libr ary Systems, John C. Hodges Library) (2001) states: â€Å"All students, faculty, and researchers would benefit in a variety of ways because the digital format broadens and deepens access exponentially. All of the digital library content would be available to any number of authorized users at one time, no matter their location.Materials would be available for distance research and distance education. Access to digital content could be provided in ways that are simply not possible in the traditional environment. Text can be available fully searchable through natural language, multimedia can be nested, references can be linked to other references, reference tools can be digitized and used to organize digital collections, etc. A digital library serves all of the constituents of the University in new and better ways by enhancing the research potential ofUniversity faculty on all campuses while also serving the needs of distance education. † [3] The DLC will be a catalyst for chang e by creating the organizational and technical building blocks that allow the campus to conceive of new ways of creating, accessing, and applying information resources to research and teaching. It will select, produce, and maintain a wide range of networked resources for scholars and students at UT and elsewhere.It will collaborate with University information technology professionals and research faculty to capitalize on institutional capabilities by focusing University resources on digital library projects that support the teaching and research of UT faculty, support the learning and research of UT students, and foster research about the digital library. An Intelligent Digital Library System for Biological Data Jeffrey E. Stone et al (2005) To make personalized service possible, a â€Å"user profile† representing the preferences of an individual user is constructed based upon past activities, goals indicated by the user, and options. Utilizing these user profiles, our system will make relevant information available to the user in an appropriate form, amount, and level of detail, and especially with minimal user effort. † [4] Due to the goal to serve the users better, a â€Å"user profile† is provided in the system. The user can personalized it and will have the ability to explore the system without much effort.It also allows the user to make feedbacks about the system, so that the system will know about the user’s areas of interest. The system is designed to act as a helper for the user who visits the digital library to find relevant information, with particular attention to the newly developed and modified documents in it. State University of New York Library System The Office of Library and Information Services in SUNY (1999) states their objectives about the library system.It includes: * Consortia-based capabilities such as union catalog and non-mediated requesting of library materials. * Excellent performance for all participati ng libraries. * Ability of the consortia to distribute the system across different servers, provide real-time mirroring of essential data, and permit the pooling of systems staff across the libraries. * The ability for the system to support the combined transaction load of SUNY libraries on all 64 campuses. A state-of-the-art integrated library system that provides access to public services, collection management, and technical services functions.* A system that enables each campus to view and maintain its own data with local control of profile and security configurations. * The ability to effectively convert data from the existing library systems into a new format that will preserve and insure its continued development and preservation, as well as the ability to migrate data to new generations of library systems. Allow for the integration of electronic resources that are made available through the SUNYConnect initiative (e. g. , bibliographic and full-text databases, image database s, electronic journals, etc. ). * To provide a means of, or an interface to, user authentication and user authorization vis-a-vis the SUNY-wide borrowing of library materials.* The ability to exploit emerging technologies and information resources to raise the level of library services, facilitate an increase in staff productivity, and improve effectiveness. 5] These objectives are made because SUNY is committed to providing exceptional library and information services to the university community by implementing an integrated library management system of superior functionality and cost efficiency. These are the type of functionality the SUNY libraries are seeking to incorporate. In short, this proposed system is part of the SUNYConnect virtual library initiative to provide access to the entire SUNY library collection via a common library management system and to enable patron-initiated remote borrowing.Harvard’s Library Digital Initiative: Building a First Generation Digital Library Infrastructure â€Å"Harvard University has funded a 5-year project to build a first generation production infrastructure to support digital library collections. Key project activities include education and consulting on core digital library issues (metadata, technical formats, reformatting, legal issues, preservation, interfaces and access), defining an overall technical framework, and the development of a core set of systems to support digital collections (catalogs and access tools, repositories, user interfaces, access management, and naming).A significant portion of the funding has been allocated to grants to University units for contents projects, intended to inform and test the developing infrastructure. † [6] Harvard University has a large and unusually decentralized library system. Information technology and shared information systems have been used increasingly in the past two decades to bring coherence to library services while maintaining the independence o f the University's hundred or so libraries.Two years ago a task force of faculty, librarians, and administrative deans proposed that the University administration fund a project to: (1) make Harvard's growing digital collections coherent and easy to use, through the development of a common framework and infrastructure, through communication and coordination, and through the use of incentives for collaborative work; (2) avoid wasteful duplicative development of digital library systems across the many independent departments of the University; (3) help curators build digital research collections through education, expert advice, the provision of core services, and the development of a technical infrastructure; and (4) integrate the new digital collections with Harvard's strong traditional collections. Tokyo University Library System â€Å"OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) / Multilingual OPAC You can search the resources using the OPAC system for journals held in entire University l ibraries, and books acquired in/after 1985. They are currently in the process of incorporating the materials acquired before 1985 into their electronic system. † [7]The  University of Tokyo Library  in Tokyo, Japan, consists of the General Library, which provides services for all students and researchers affiliated with the university, Komaba Library, which supports the studies of the first two years of undergraduate education, Kashiwa Library, which functions as the back number center for natural science materials, as well as more than 60 faculty/institution libraries in various academic fields. The library has the largest collection in  Japan, holding a total of over 8,000,000 books. Using the OPAC, the students can easily find what they need for their research and studies. The university is still maintaining the system to improve the services to provide for the users.

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