Saturday, September 21, 2019

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Higher education Essay †¢It still wouldn’t be free just a redistribution of who is paying †¢Doesn’t address the main issue of the high price and what is the cause. State budget cuts are mainly to blame †¢How many countries do free college. †¢Make student loans easier to obtain, and with more time to pay back, and lower interest rate. †¢the second big problem, however, is that I think we should get more cynical than Bruenig does. If the level of subsidy were increased enough to eliminate tuition, the faculty and administrators of public universities would still thirst for more money. A logical place to raise the money would be—tuition. After all, a college degree is a valuable commodity. And the kids in college are mostly from families with above-average incomes. Having eliminated tuition, the tuition would simply come back. In exchange, youd get more tenure-track faculty, more administrators, more weird perks for university presidents, nicer facilities, etc. †¢there is already a cheaper option community college. †¢it forces the students to obtain higher grades in high school for a possible scholarship option †¢But I think we should loop this back around to where we started. I agree with Bady that theres an important sense in which the best-known public institutions of higher education arent public. But it isnt that they arent free. National Parks arent free. But theyre still public institutions. Because theyre open to the public. Community colleges are also open to the public. But schools that only let you in if you have high SAT scores—whoever owns them and whatever they charge—arent public in this sense. And in a world where the cost of financing health care and retirement for an aging society is pressuring public budgets, Id make them stand behind other more broadly public forms of education for money.

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