Saturday, September 28, 2019

Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literature review - Essay Example A study of empirical literature has been carried out with the example of retail industry and considering Wal-Mart as the multinational organization with its operation in several countries being examined under the review. Issues for Multi-national Organisations The various issues for the multinational organization with the example of Wal-Mart as a major player in the retail industry have been discussed below. Strategies of the organization The multinational companies operate in various countries either by establishing its own facilities or with the help of joint ventures. These multinational organizations are thus exposed to country risk of various countries (Butler, 1993, p.58). Wal-Mart, for example Wal-Mart operates around 8500 stores in around 15 countries all over the world and function under 55 different names in several countries. ... Thus the organizational strategies and decision making with respect to these issues are important as the multinational entity would need to take decision of selling the ventures that are not deemed to be profitable in future times. The multinational organization also needs to strategically invest in ventures that would prove to be profitable in future (Jolly, 2003, p.62). These strategic decisions need to consider the issues related to country risk which entails an examination of the political, economic, social, technological and legal environment in the region of investment. Marketing issues The marketing issues, the developments of the various local markets are important areas of consideration for the multinational corporations. The age of globalization has witnessed several new entrants in the local markets and the threat posed by the competitors raise concerns for the multinational companies for retaining their market share. Thus the multinational companies should continuously up date their marketing strategies in order to counter the steps of the competitors for holding their market share in various countries (Solberg, 2002, p.50). Wal-Mart for example being the largest grocery retailer and having presence in around 15 countries are required to anticipate the changing market conditions and demands of the consumers in order to retain their leadership position in the retail industry. Although, the market share of Wal-Mart is three times that of its nearest competitor, Carrefour, the multinational company needs to continuously adopt innovating strategies and respond to the changing lifestyle of the consumers which are market specific for different countries. The multinational companies also

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