Monday, September 30, 2019

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone Brian Tracy, one of the top success speakers and authors in the world, has once said, â€Å"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. † His point is that, when one steps out of her comfort zone it will be strange, difficult, or painful. However, one will only grow or learn from the experience if they accept the embarrassment, difficulties, and the awkwardness that come with trying something new. I agree with Brian Tracy because of my experience becoming a soccer player.It started in middle school when I decided to join my school’s soccer team. I would watch soccer matches with my family and I was comfortable with the idea of watching it, never playing it. Until eighth grade, when I decided to step out of my â€Å"comfort zone. † Growing up, I wasn’t the healthiest child and I knew that I needed to change my habits. Therefore, in middle school, I decided to join my school’s soccer team. I knew a majority of the rules and how to play different positions despite not knowing how to dribble a soccer ball.When I attended the soccer meeting, that’s when it hit me that there’s a huge difference between watching soccer on TV and actually playing. The other players on the team had played soccer since the age of four, and there I was, without soccer experience. After signing up for the team, I felt foolish, scared, and distraught because I didn’t want the other players to judge me. I didn’t want them to make fun of me because I couldn’t dribble or kick a soccer ball, but my inner voice was still telling me, â€Å" Don’t quit! Let the judging motivate you! Who cares if I can’t kick a ball, I will learn! My comfort zone was watching soccer whereas, trying to play soccer was me, stepping out of my comfort zone. During warm-ups in the first practice, I felt as if I was going to die! My legs fe lt horrible, and there were 2 hours left of practice. I wanted to quit, I was uncomfortable and embarrassed because I fell during an easy drill, was the slowest runner, and tired in the first 20 minutes. In the back of my mind I knew that I shouldn’t quit, I did soccer for me, to benefit my health and feed my anxiety and curiosity about the sport. On the other hand, if I were to quit, I knew I would be unhappy and disappointed with myself.Therefore, I stayed with soccer and I’m happy with my decision because I’ve made the greatest friendships and came out of my comfort zone. My middle school soccer experience has changed me in the greatest way, it helped me realize that I will face problems where at times I won’t feel comfortable and that I shouldn’t quit, no matter how difficult, strange, or painful. After playing soccer in the eighth grade, I decided to continue to play in high school; I wanted to continue my new healthy habits and my friendships that I made in middle school.From freshman year to senior year, I have played soccer for my high school team, junior varsity for my freshman year and varsity for my sophomore, junior, and senior year, and during all my embarrassing falls, crazy drills, and â€Å"psycho† coaches, I realized I love playing. Such a shift in my own paradigm was one of the hardest things for me to do however, I learned what it means to play with heart and passion, a team is a family, and new healthy habits. I grew because I was willing to feel awkward and embarrassed and as Kristen Wiig has once said, â€Å"When you go out of your comfort zone and it works there’s nothing more satisfying. †

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Weather, Evil, and Chaos in Macbeth

Weather, Evil, and Chaos in Macbeth â€Å"So foul and fair a day I have not seen† (1. 3. 38) proclaims Macbeth as he unwittingly echoes the Weird Sisters’ incantation from the opening scene of Macbeth. The imagery of foul weather permeates the play, setting the tone and underscoring the unnaturalness of Macbeth’s treacherous behavior. Foul weather symbolizes both evil and the chaos it creates, and the most important function of weather imagery is to link Macbeth with evil and chaos. The connection between foul weather and evil is emphasized from the opening of the play. The stage directions for scene I reads, â€Å"Thunder and lightning. As the witches enter and begin speaking, the connection between evil and weather is established: â€Å"When shall we three meet again / In thunder, lightning, or in rain? † (1. 1. 1-2). This is an interesting question, since the audience later learns (during the witches’ second appearance) that the witches themselv es can control winds and create storms. Before Macbeth appears on stage, foul weather is firmly associated with the forces of evil. Thus Macbeth’s opening line (quoted above) foreshadows his descent into evil. The evil that takes root in Macbeth’s soul ultimately leads to chaos. To early modern audiences, murdering a king represented perhaps the greatest evil that man might commit, for the monarch was the highest human link in the great chain of being linking man to God. When Macbeth murders Duncan, he severs the great chain, throwing everything into chaos. According to Tillyard, To us chaos means hardly more than confusion on a large scale; to an Elizabethan it meant the cosmic anarchy before creation and the wholesale dissolution that would result if the pressure of Providence relaxed and allowed the laws of nature to cease functioning. 16) That such chaos exists within the world of the play is emphasized when Lennox and Ross discuss the unnatural weather during the night of Duncan’s murder. Lennox’s remarks imply a connection between foul weather and chaos: â€Å"The night has been unruly†¦. Our chimneys were blown down†¦. Some say the earth was feverous and did shake† (2. 3. 50-57). Ross’s response suggests that natu re has died, an idea anticipated by Macbeth’s earlier observation, â€Å"nature seems dead† (2. 1. 50). In a sense, nature has died with Duncan, and the destructive weather reveals that evil and chaos rule in his place. The references to foul and unnatural weather underscore Macbeth’s relationship to chaos and evil. The murder of Duncan creates chaos that undoes many characters, until nature is revived by the death of Macbeth. Foul weather imagery is thus an important aspect of the play, serving not only to provide a sinister atmosphere but also to symbolize the chaos that follows the murder of a king. Such imagery powerfully contributes to making Macbeth one of Shakespeare’s darkest and most powerful tragedies.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literature review - Essay Example A study of empirical literature has been carried out with the example of retail industry and considering Wal-Mart as the multinational organization with its operation in several countries being examined under the review. Issues for Multi-national Organisations The various issues for the multinational organization with the example of Wal-Mart as a major player in the retail industry have been discussed below. Strategies of the organization The multinational companies operate in various countries either by establishing its own facilities or with the help of joint ventures. These multinational organizations are thus exposed to country risk of various countries (Butler, 1993, p.58). Wal-Mart, for example Wal-Mart operates around 8500 stores in around 15 countries all over the world and function under 55 different names in several countries. ... Thus the organizational strategies and decision making with respect to these issues are important as the multinational entity would need to take decision of selling the ventures that are not deemed to be profitable in future times. The multinational organization also needs to strategically invest in ventures that would prove to be profitable in future (Jolly, 2003, p.62). These strategic decisions need to consider the issues related to country risk which entails an examination of the political, economic, social, technological and legal environment in the region of investment. Marketing issues The marketing issues, the developments of the various local markets are important areas of consideration for the multinational corporations. The age of globalization has witnessed several new entrants in the local markets and the threat posed by the competitors raise concerns for the multinational companies for retaining their market share. Thus the multinational companies should continuously up date their marketing strategies in order to counter the steps of the competitors for holding their market share in various countries (Solberg, 2002, p.50). Wal-Mart for example being the largest grocery retailer and having presence in around 15 countries are required to anticipate the changing market conditions and demands of the consumers in order to retain their leadership position in the retail industry. Although, the market share of Wal-Mart is three times that of its nearest competitor, Carrefour, the multinational company needs to continuously adopt innovating strategies and respond to the changing lifestyle of the consumers which are market specific for different countries. The multinational companies also

Friday, September 27, 2019

FDI in the UAE Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FDI in the UAE - Term Paper Example The government reviewed and strengthened the legal framework through the Ministry of the Economy to facilitate foreign direct investment in the economy. The government also signed free trade agreements with partners in the global economy in a move to make the economy more competitive in the global market place. Multinational companies’ preference to invest in the United Arab Emirates can be attributed to its position as a global trade hub, with outstanding performance compared to the rest of the world. The economy is one of the world’s preferred re-export destinations because of its desirable characteristics in hiring foreign labour, timeliness of shipments in reaching destination, effective cost of imports and exports, quality of air transport, port, and road infrastructure. The government facilitates foreign direct investment due to the benefits linked to it. FDI is proved to stimulate and maintain economic growth, promote technology transfer and encourage more effici ent management skills (Inter-American Development Bank, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, pg 12) The pie chart below shows that United Arab Emirates is the third largest foreign direct investment economy after the United Kingdom and the United States. Table 1.0 Source: Salman A. and Hui Xiao Feng ( Forms of Foreign Direct Investment in U.A.E Foreign direct investment can basically be classified into two forms, that is, Greenfield investments and mergers investment. Greenfield investment refers to a situation where a wholly new operation is introduced in a foreign country while mergers investment involves a case where an investment seeks to merge its operation with those of an already existing investment in the foreign country. The mergers can be acquisitions, strategic alliances, or joint ventures. Foreign direct investment can further be classified into market-expansion investments and resource-seeking investments. In market-expansion investments, investment abroad is done in the in the same industry as the parent company, while in resource-seeking investment, investment abroad is done to search for large profitable markets and source inputs for a firm's domestic production process (Gregoriou & Renneboog, pg 31). Green field investment is a form of foreign direct investment where a parent business  starts a new operation in a foreign country. The parent companies undertake to construct new facilities and hire new permanent employees in a foreign country. Foreign countries often  offer incentives such as tax-breaks and subsidies to encourage Greenfield investments that benefit the developing countries through creation of jobs and technological advancement countries. However, Greenfield investment has a major setback to host countries in that, profits from operation are not reinvested or put back into the domestic economy. The profits gained fro m operations of Greenfield investors are taken back to multinational's home economy unlike local companies whose profits are re-invested into the domestic economy. Therefore, host countries do not benefit much economically but gain long term benefits from job creation, technology and managerial skills transfer (Aswathappa, pg 29). Creation of employment, technology, and managerial skills transfer is viewed to be of more advantageous to the country than loses in offering tax breaks and subsidi

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Enquiry Systems Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Enquiry Systems - Case Study Example They have discovered that some of their previous customers simply plan their holidays by searching all touristic information about their destination on the internet. They can simply reserve a hotel in another country and they can easily reserve and buy their flight tickets through the World Wide Web. In addition, many airlines has sold travel packages to their customers themselves and they found they did not need to pay a commissions to travel agencies. The managers of Garbett Tours have also found that some travel agencies in recent years have changed/adapted their business to the changes of information technology. They have discovered that the concepts of B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) determines the relations of online businesses in new and modern information technology. Having a view on some of successful online travel agencies, they are determined to adapt Garbett tours to new internet based market. The method of enquiry for this case study is based on UST (unbounded system thinking) since the problem is complicated and the source of the problems seems to be the entities which effect each other. Therefore finding an exact source of the "problem", is difficult because we are dealing with the innovations in IT industry, change of the way other providers like Airlines serve their customers, the drivers that effect the tourism industry and the idea of removing layers from the package holiday distribution network. In order to resolve the problems faced by Garbett Tours, creative approaches to the solution are needed which will be discussed in following tasks. Task 2 "According to Poirier (2000) tourism today is second only to oil as the world's leading export commodity, accounting for global earnings of more than $300 billion, or nearly 25 per cent of total world GNP. Over the last two decades, tourism has proved to be the world's fastest growing economic sector, with average growth of 7.1 per cent per year in arrivals and 12.5 per cent in receipts."1(Citation Needed) "Despite these statistics, tourism growth in many countries has not been this high, in particular those countries confronted with various political instabilities that have slowed development in tourism."(JR Ryu, 2006) Political stability and political relations influence the image of destinations in touristic regions (Hall and O'Sullivan,1996, JR Ryu, 2006). "The political aspects of tourism are interwoven with its economic consequencestourism is not only a "continuation of politics" but an integral part of the world's political economy. In short, tourism is, or can be, a tool used not only for economic but for political means" (Edgell, 1990, JR Ryu, 2006). History shows that tourism has been always affected by political instabilities. An example of political instability is the issue of Tiananmen Square, June 4 1989 in China. "Prime time news coverage showed army tanks threatening the civilian population. After that, Tiananmen Square incident Hotel occupancy rates in Beijing dipped below 30 per cent and as a result, Tourism earnings for China declined by $430 million in 1989 alone."( JR Ryu, 2006) (This needs a citation) Other political drivers are the effects of military coups

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Executive paper - Critical analysis of reported category one and Coursework

Executive paper - Critical analysis of reported category one and category two incident data - Coursework Example Moreover, certain recommendations will also be made regarding how the loopholes within this service can be identified and improvised accordingly. E. W. Tipping Foundation is primarily a non-profit organisation mostly operational in the area of Victoria, Australia. The foundation aims towards fostering the concepts of social justice and human rights through its community development programmes and services. The foundation started its functions in terms of providing aid to the disabled individuals and till date has steadily prevailed towards broadening its structure in terms of providing support towards family services. By taking into consideration the development trend, this report will mostly focus towards critically analysing the incident data that has been provided in the category 1 and category 2 lists (NSW Government, n.d.). This critical incident analysis paper also aims to understand the present trends within this non-profit organisation’s services and makes appropriate recommendations regarding how the quality of the services can be improvised. Correspondingly, the graphical representations of the provided data have also been incorporated. The data regarding the number of incident cases and the client count of the three quarters has been provided and has also been critically described using the graphical representations. The entire critical analysis has been segregated into two specific categories. The first category is regarding the ‘Out of Home Care (OOHC)’ and the second one is the ‘disability cases’. The number of clients in the case of OOHC has been measured to be 38 and the total number of clients that has been determined under the disability case is 796 (E. W. Tipping Foundationa, 2013). In accordance with the provided reports, the total number of incident cases belonging to category 1 for the month duration from 1st July 2013 to 30th September 2013 has been recorded as 32. Out of this recorded incident count, a total of 16 cases

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Early Physiotherapy to Prevent Lymphoedema after Surgery Assignment

Early Physiotherapy to Prevent Lymphoedema after Surgery - Assignment Example In most research studies, there exist biases that may cause possible deviation of results. Choosing the most appropriate study methods is important to avoid instances of bias in research (Greenhalgh and Tylor 1997). Research appraisals assist in establishing the question posed by the author(s). It is vital for research studies to possess well-developed study questions relevant to the topic under study (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber 2010). In addition, the identified study questions must have applicable parameters and study populations and discern relevant outcomes. Statistical testing should be based on study hypotheses because they are fundamental in research studies (Greenhalgh and Tylor 1997). Appraisals assist in ascertaining the relevance of hypothesis testing the techniques used in a given study. Appraisal also contributes to determining whether research is based on practice (Brown 2014). Lacomba et al. (2010) carried out a study aiming at ascertaining the efficacy of early physiotherapy in post cancer surgery. An appraisal of the study carried out by Lacomba et al. (2010) reveals that there exist proper applications of interventions for physiotherapy sessions during post cancer surgery. Notably, the research conducted by Lacomba et al. (2010) is indispensable in promoting prevention of secondary lymphedema immediately after surgery. Even though the study was successful in addressing the hypothesis question, it had various limitations such as the recruiting of subjects from a single hospital. It is noteworthy that most single hospital recruitment may result in systematic variations during provision of care between other regions and the hospital. Lacomba et al. (2010) provide a vivid description of secondary lymphoedema within the first paragraph that clearly introduces the study.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cover letter &Resume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cover letter &Resume - Essay Example Likewise, I have already established an education and design company in China, which gives me a competitive advantage through the experiences encountered in start-up and in operating a business endeavor. I came to the United States to earn a degree in Economics, which is a field of discipline I consider of crucial importance to contemporary global organizations. I plan to eventually venture in the international market and my gaining a degree in Economics in a prestigious university in the United States would give me significant advantage to succeed. the identified software programs; as well as navigate the Internet for research and other social activities with exemplary skills. I am also a good team player; I am highly motivated and flexible; as well as manifest the ability to efficiently handle multiple tasks, as required. I am hereby attaching my resume for your perusal. I could be reached at any of the contact numbers indicated therein. I would also be available for scheduled interviews at any of your most convenient time. Rest assured that when considered for the position, our professional relationship would definitely be mutually beneficial. I would be looking forward to hearing from you soon. Objective: My professional goal is to become part of a global organization and to apply the theoretical frameworks gained in the field of economics. As a highly motivated and immensely driven individual, I plan to be an instrumental contributor to future organizations through the application of developed skills in economic policy design, international business and global management, as well as in evaluating micro- and macro-perspectives affecting the organizations’ operations. "Spring 2014 Internship, Economic Security Washington D.C." 2014. The EastWest Institute.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Budgets are time-consuming and costly to put together. How does the Essay

Budgets are time-consuming and costly to put together. How does the cost of traditional budgeting approach lead to the birth of beyond budgeting - Essay Example In addition, Goode says that some companies uses up to $1.2 billion shillings per year during budget process. This can prove to be very expensive considering that budgeting process only add little or no difference to the shareholders assets These problems associated with traditional budgeting led to the birth of beyond budgeting. This is because it has the ability to reduce the amount of money spend during the budget process. In connection to this, beyond budgeting has been adapted by many companies (Rothberg, 2011, 2). In summary, the birth of beyond budgeting has been at the center of some of the best performing companies because it reduces the amount of money spend during the budgeting process and it also a little time is required for the budgeting processes. Rothberg, Arthur F. (2011) Traditional budgeting Vs beyond budgeting: Three core differences. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Higher education Essay †¢It still wouldn’t be free just a redistribution of who is paying †¢Doesn’t address the main issue of the high price and what is the cause. State budget cuts are mainly to blame †¢How many countries do free college. †¢Make student loans easier to obtain, and with more time to pay back, and lower interest rate. †¢the second big problem, however, is that I think we should get more cynical than Bruenig does. If the level of subsidy were increased enough to eliminate tuition, the faculty and administrators of public universities would still thirst for more money. A logical place to raise the money would be—tuition. After all, a college degree is a valuable commodity. And the kids in college are mostly from families with above-average incomes. Having eliminated tuition, the tuition would simply come back. In exchange, youd get more tenure-track faculty, more administrators, more weird perks for university presidents, nicer facilities, etc. †¢there is already a cheaper option community college. †¢it forces the students to obtain higher grades in high school for a possible scholarship option †¢But I think we should loop this back around to where we started. I agree with Bady that theres an important sense in which the best-known public institutions of higher education arent public. But it isnt that they arent free. National Parks arent free. But theyre still public institutions. Because theyre open to the public. Community colleges are also open to the public. But schools that only let you in if you have high SAT scores—whoever owns them and whatever they charge—arent public in this sense. And in a world where the cost of financing health care and retirement for an aging society is pressuring public budgets, Id make them stand behind other more broadly public forms of education for money.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Explore the ways in which Isobel Dixon and Mervyn Morris express their personal feelings in their poetry

Explore the ways in which Isobel Dixon and Mervyn Morris express their personal feelings in their poetry Explore the ways in which Isobel Dixon and Mervyn Morris express their personal feelings in their poetry Little Boy Crying by Mervyn Morris and Plenty by Isobel Dixon both explore the vivid childhood memories and experiences of the poets. In Little Boy Crying, a father deals with the troubles of raising a and disciplining a child; whereas in Plenty, Dixon describes her youth when she and her sisters could not afford the things they so greedily stole behind their mothers back; finally comparing it to her prosperous present. I will explore how the poets use imagery and language, voice and tone, and structure and form to create effects and convey their experiences. Little Boy Crying is based on a fathers true story revealing the how he once treated his son. It depicts the themes of sadness, remorse, and love. Morris describes his battle with fighting the regret he feels for slapping his son because he loves him so much, longs to lift you, curb your sadness. This is perhaps to depict the contrast between the two emotions and the danger of what happens when they collide. At first, the reader empathizes with the boy, however, as the poem progresses and the fathers situation is understood, the reader begins to empathize for him as well. Plenty, is based on Dixons chaotic youth with her sisters. It explores the themes of chaos, restriction, and realization. Dixon writes about her memories of the past, often referring to her mothers anger over the chaos she and her sisters create by ignoring the mothers restrictions, her lips anchored down not knowing then it was a clasp to keep us all from chaos. This shows that as you get older, you realize the importance of order and begin appreciating your parents hard labor. Mervyn Morris use of powerful language helps the reader relate to the situation described. The title, Little Boy Crying, already provokes a sad image of what is forthcoming in the poem, creating an instantaneous dramatic effect on the reader. In the first stanza, Morris expresses the changes which his son undertook since the slap, mouth contorting, laughter metamorphosed, and frame so recently relaxed now tight. The word metamorphosed, exemplifies the rapidity of the change of the boys facial expression, creating a more powerful image of the emotions the boy is feeling. These changes quickly introduce the reader to the circumstances. Powerful imagery of water is seen in the phrase swimming tears, splashing your bare feet, where sibilance and personification of the tears have been used to invoke a more dramatic sense of the boys misery. The phrase quick slap stuck, creates a more sped up and violent interpretation of the happenings; and the use of onomatopoeia in slap, creates a more graphic scene. Overall in the first stanza of Little Boy Crying, many sad and angry words are used to create a depressed mood: Howls, frame tight, frustration, swimming tears, and guilt or sorrow. Such powerful phrases are used to invoke a more immediate effect of grief and a relation to the situation by the reader. The reader becomes more compassionate and understanding of the characters. In the second stanza the father imagines himself in the sons position, alluding to the fairytale Jack and the Bean stalk, evoking powerful imagery of hatred as well, The ogre, grim giant, colossal cruel, Chopped clean the tree [the fathers] scrambling down. The use of alliteration of g in grim giant and c in colossal cruel, places emphasis on the phrases to describe the pure hatred the father thinks the boy must feel against him, signifying that he knows he is being mean and understands his decisions were harsh. The reference to a well-known fairytale increases the readers ability to relate to the situation and creates a more vivid scenario. In the third stanza, the line You cannot understand, not yet demonstrates that the child does not acknowledge the fact that his father is teaching him a lesson. The father seems very guilt struck and at fault that he had to take such measures to teach a lesson, The hurt your easy tears can scald him with. The boy does not realize the pain his display of sadness causes his father, who obviously takes no pleasure in making his son cry. The father seems to regret his actions however stays firm to teach the lesson, Longs to lift you, curb your sadness. The alliteration of l emphasizes the longing however the father stays strong to ensure his son is raised with the correct values. The last stanza implies the little boy has been playing in the rain, you must not make a plaything of the rain. This line has several meanings such as the immorality of trying to get sympathy by crying. On another level, it could be the father instructing himself to take his lessons more seriously and his need stay firm to show discipline. Isobel Dixon also uses powerful imagery and language to convey her messages. The title itself contrasts with nearly the entirety of the poem as poverty has placed them far away from Plenty. Isobel Dixon creates an intense mood using vivid description early on in the poem. In the first stanza the reader is introduced to Dixons memory of an enamel tub, age-stained and pocked upon its griffin claws, never full. Such an image conveys the impression that that the family cannot afford proper equipment such as a bathtub and is unable to fill it with water as it is too costly and in short supply. Water is recognized as a representation of their deprivation from basic necessities in the ongoing expanse of drought where dams leaked dry and windmills stalled. The alliteration of d in the phrase drought where dams leaked dry, enhances the effectiveness of the image created by making them more prominent in the description. The stalled windmills are subsequently compared with the mothers smile, Like mommys smile. This infers that her smile has stalled. Dixon uses metaphors to describe her mothers frown, a clasp to keep us all from chaos. The metaphor is used to create a more vivid image of the mothers efforts to keep the family together. Additionally, the onomatopoeia of the word clasp creates a more powerful picture. Many cases of sibilance are found in the phrase she saw it always, snapping locks and straps, the spilling: sums and worries, shopping lists The ongoing repetition of the consonant s creates an almost explosive ringing. The poet uses contradictory phrases to exaggerate their meaning in the oxymoron, each month was weeks too long. A month is always an exact number of weeks long; however Dixon implies that they never had enough money to cover an entire months worth of spending. In the penultimate stanza, when describing the present, Dixon uses enjambment in the line waters plentiful, to excess, almost, here./ This creates a slower progression in the poem and exemplifies how she is disregarding all her previous worries about taking another precious of water. Little Boy Crying, is written from the voice of the father; however it changes perspective several times. In the first stanza, the father is observing the reaction of his son. In the second stanza, the father attempts to view the situation from his sons point of view. In the third stanza a third-person view responds to the happenings, explaining the fathers feelings. In contrast, Plenty, is written entirely from Dixons point of view. She writes in a voice which seems apologetic because of all the disorder she now recognizes she caused, not knowing then, and we thought her mean. Later, she compares it to the present, where bubbles lap my chin. Even though she is grateful for the present luxury in her life, she misses her childhood, miss my scattered sisters. In Little Boy Crying, Morris uses long sentences with small amounts of punctuation to create tension and make the reader keep reading. The first stanza is composed of seven lines, however only one sentence. The stanza length is a little beyond average, and the last stanza ends abruptly as it consists only of one line. Ending a poem with one line creates force and stress to the line, making the reader consider it more. The use of enjambment establishes a greater emphasis on the word previous to it, such as howls, frustration, and tears. This is done to put pressure on specific words, empowering their meaning and adding importance to their effect. They become more noticeable than the rest of the words In Plenty, Dixon uses normal length sentences and stanzas, which contradicts the chaos depicted in the poem. She does not use very much enjambment, creating an ongoing flow of reading. Her use of punctuation varies greatly as in the fourth stanza; three full-stops are used. On the other hand, in the fifth and sixth stanzas, altogether only one full-stop is used. This creates tension when its needed and adds a story-like effect. Little Boy Crying, by Mervyn Morris and Plenty, by Isobel Dixon both delve into the moving childhood experiences they have. In Little Boy Crying, a father resists the urge to apologize to his son for disciplining him; whereas in Plenty, Dixon describes her chaotic youth with her sisters; finally comparing it to her present. Little Boy Crying explores the themes of sadness, discipline, and regret. Plenty, explores the themes of chaos, restriction, and realization. Both poems have their underlying messages such as in plenty, where patience helps us all deal with many of lifes everyday problems. In Little Boy Crying, one learns the difficulty of punishing a child even though it is for the greater good of them.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stereotyping of Minority Students :: Sociology Racism Prejudice Essays

Stereotyping of Minority Students      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout most of my school years, before attending MCTC, I had never experienced inter-racial schooling.   I went to a small high school with about twenty minority students.   These students were not outcasts they were treated as any other non-minority student.   Therefore, I had little experience with minorities in a non-minority school.   After the speech that was given by Michael Jefferson, I was more informed on the effects of stereotyping of minority students in a non-minority school.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stereotyping may cause students and teachers to view minority students on a non-minority campus as inferior.   This may cause some teachers or faculty members to believe that these minority students are not as capable of achieving the same quality of work as non-minority students. Scholarships are sometimes given out to non0minority students due to their racial background.   I suppose this happens due to the stereotype of minority students not being capable of the educational work as that of other students.   Classroom behavior toward minority students may be shown in appropriate, and/or unrecognized. For instance, a teacher may call on a non-minority student before a minority student.   The teacher may pick on the non-minority due to a belief that these students care about their schooling, whereas minority students are being pre-judged without the chance to really learn.   Some people even believe that combining the different minorities may cause problems.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Combining minority with non-minority students can create some conflict.   Some non-minority students, this attitude of aggression may be brought on by "close-minded" non-minority students.   These students let their attitude take over their learning time, by worrying about the other minority students.   Each student, whether thy be minority or non-minority, must put their mind on learning than on another minority on the campus. Some students may see that combining minority with non-minority students, as a way of learning about different people and their cultures.   I f students would open their eyes as they do their ears for learning, students would see a whole new possibility of meeting others, not minding if they are a minority or not.   These students should also learn to use their own ideas, and not always to believe in the media point of view.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today the media is a major source of minority and non-minority

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Religious and Artistic Sites of Venice Essay -- Place Geography Italy

Religious and Artistic Sites of Venice The masterpieces of four visual artists, Bellini (1430-1516), Titian (1485-1576), Tintoretto (1518-1594), and Tiepolo (1696-1770), dominate the religious and artistic sites found in the island city of Venice. The city is divided into six districts. Each contains historical sites, however, the most notable are located in the districts of San Marco, San Polo, and Dorsoduro that border the Grand Canal. The artistic and religious sites of Venice are appreciated as part of the island?s historical past, as well as infused in its everyday present. One symbol of the importance of art in Venetian life is the lion of Venice. The lion honors the patron saint of Venice, St. Mark. It can be seen in many different poses including a peaceful, playful stance, an impassive guard, a majestic, stately lion, or even a forceful, warlike lion. The lion, like art and religion, reflects the spirit of Venice. San Marco District Saint Mark?s Basilica Since 830 AD, the basilica has housed the bones of St. Mark which were taken from Alexandria, Egypt and given at the Port of Olivolo to the D oge Giustiniano Particiaco. Mosaics in the basilica depict this event as bones being hidden under barrels of pork to keep Muslims away. Mark was patron saint of Alexandria and then became patron saint of Venice. The emblem of the patron saint is the winged lion with a sword and a book with the words Pax Tibi Marce Evangelista Meus, Peace to You, Oh Mark, My Evangelist. The church was built with eastern inspiration with its oriental domes and lustrous mosaics. This is an example of the connection between Venice and Byzantium, which protected Venice from Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire. The church contains four thousand sq... ...artistic sites of Venice leave a lasting impression for all who visit. Works Cited Crivellari, Domenico, and Maria Da Villa Urbani, eds. Basilica di San Marco. Procuratoria di San Marco Venezia. 2003. Girard-Sharp, Lisa, et al. Venice. New York: APA Publications, 1999. Openshaw, Gene, and Rick Steves, eds. Venice 2004. California: Avalon Travel, 2003. Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 2003. Pioch, Nicolas. ?Titian.? WebMuseum, Paris. 2002. Pioch, Nicolas. ?Bellini.? WebMuseum, Paris. 2002. Rossi, Gerald. ?Il Tintoretto.? Catholic Encyclopedia. 2003. Steves, Rick. Italy 2002. California: Avalon Travel, 2002. Religious and Artistic Sites of Venice Essay -- Place Geography Italy Religious and Artistic Sites of Venice The masterpieces of four visual artists, Bellini (1430-1516), Titian (1485-1576), Tintoretto (1518-1594), and Tiepolo (1696-1770), dominate the religious and artistic sites found in the island city of Venice. The city is divided into six districts. Each contains historical sites, however, the most notable are located in the districts of San Marco, San Polo, and Dorsoduro that border the Grand Canal. The artistic and religious sites of Venice are appreciated as part of the island?s historical past, as well as infused in its everyday present. One symbol of the importance of art in Venetian life is the lion of Venice. The lion honors the patron saint of Venice, St. Mark. It can be seen in many different poses including a peaceful, playful stance, an impassive guard, a majestic, stately lion, or even a forceful, warlike lion. The lion, like art and religion, reflects the spirit of Venice. San Marco District Saint Mark?s Basilica Since 830 AD, the basilica has housed the bones of St. Mark which were taken from Alexandria, Egypt and given at the Port of Olivolo to the D oge Giustiniano Particiaco. Mosaics in the basilica depict this event as bones being hidden under barrels of pork to keep Muslims away. Mark was patron saint of Alexandria and then became patron saint of Venice. The emblem of the patron saint is the winged lion with a sword and a book with the words Pax Tibi Marce Evangelista Meus, Peace to You, Oh Mark, My Evangelist. The church was built with eastern inspiration with its oriental domes and lustrous mosaics. This is an example of the connection between Venice and Byzantium, which protected Venice from Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire. The church contains four thousand sq... ...artistic sites of Venice leave a lasting impression for all who visit. Works Cited Crivellari, Domenico, and Maria Da Villa Urbani, eds. Basilica di San Marco. Procuratoria di San Marco Venezia. 2003. Girard-Sharp, Lisa, et al. Venice. New York: APA Publications, 1999. Openshaw, Gene, and Rick Steves, eds. Venice 2004. California: Avalon Travel, 2003. Peggy Guggenheim Collection. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 2003. Pioch, Nicolas. ?Titian.? WebMuseum, Paris. 2002. Pioch, Nicolas. ?Bellini.? WebMuseum, Paris. 2002. Rossi, Gerald. ?Il Tintoretto.? Catholic Encyclopedia. 2003. Steves, Rick. Italy 2002. California: Avalon Travel, 2002.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Gang Violence Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Gangs Teen Essays

Gang Violence Gangs are becoming a growing problem in American society. More young people are turning to gangs to solve problems in their lives. When youths join gangs they drop social activities with family, friends and school. Members fall behind their classmates in school and do not try. A study shows that less than 1% of gang bangers is literate1. Gangs destroy teenager lives and destroy their chances for a good education and happy life. Gangs are now a haven for rats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Teenagers are joining gangs every day. They join gangs for many reasons. A former gang member known as G-Ball was very young when he joined a his gang. He and a friend would play a game. They would pose as gang members to be cool. Then police arrested him and other gang members for stealing cars. G-Ball never wanted to be a gang member he wanted to act and dress like one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another former gang member, Alonzo, age 17 wanted to join a gang because he had nothing to do after school. Both he and G-Ball joined a gang by choice. Keith, age 17 was forced into a gang. If he didn't join, he'd be hunted down and killed by the gang members. When older family member already in a gang, younger siblings are often forced in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many gangs use graffiti to show their power and to mark their turf. "Everywhere you go you see graffiti." Professor Allen Walker Read of Columbia University said, "The pen is mightier than the sword." Gangs in Parma are very active with the pen. They "tag" their property buildings and houses everywhere. Police want to know where all the parents are. Why aren't they doing anything about this? Many people in Parma want to know the answer to the same questions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cincinnati also has active gangs. "Graffiti is a creeping problem in every neighborhood and in and on public buildings" said Mayor Roxanne Qualls of Cincinnati said. Graffiti is so bad that Star Bank has donated $25,000 to have students to help clean up all the graffiti.2 The city made a group called the "E-Racers". These people are ready to clean up all the graffiti. The gangs set school buses on fire, tear-up park benches, and drive across lawns including the police station lawns.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Graffiti comes in many forms. Pictures are used to mark property (turf) but you may also see strange writing below it. They say to other gangs that they're the best, the number 1 gan... ...30 Jun. 1994. Breckenridge, Tom. "Gang graffiti makes its mark on Parma." The Plain Dealer 26 May 1994. Clinton, William J. "National Gang Violence Orivencion Week, 1994." The White House: Office of the President of the United States Sept. 10,1994 Internet. Delgado, Robert. "Anti-Gang Movement" Doug's Home Page Sept. 28, 1995. Internet. Gillispie, Mark. "Chicago gangs still thrive in the city of their birth" The Plain Dealer 12 Jan. 1992. Gillispie, Mark. "Federal agencies shift concentration to gangs" The Plain Dealer 19 Jan. 1992. Gillispie, Mark; Shepard, Paul. "Former gang members recall `gentler times`." The Plain Dealer 12 Jan, 1992. Gillispie, Mark; Shepard, Paul. "Suburban police hoping to nip gangs in the bud." The Plain Dealer 17 Jan 1992. Horswell, Cindy. "Gangs get a dressing down." Houston Chronicle 28 March 1992:1A+ Marrison, Benjamin. "Mayor seeks `New Cleveland`." The Plain Dealer 1 Feb., 1992. Neff, Jon. "On-line Guide to Gang Signs and Graffiti" Highway 51 1995 Internet Phoenix Police Department -- G.R.E.A.T. Phoenix Police Department Home Page 1994 Internet. Welson, Roger. "Off the wall" Natural History May 1993

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sociology of Sport Film Review

Bend it like beckham is based on Jess, a 17 year old British born, Sikh girl who has an undying passion for football, her favourite player is David Beckham and he is exactly who jess wants to be. But jess’s parents have taken every effort to stay in touch with the families Indian heritage. Jess' father and mother are after their daughter to go to law school, learn to cook a traditional Indian dinner, and settle down with a nice Indian boy — the latter of which is high on the agenda of her older sister Pinky, who is soon to wed her long-time beau Teetu. However, her family is unaware that Jess has a secret passion ,football. Her parents don't know that in her spare time she likes to play a friendly game in the park with some of the boys in the neighbourhood. One day, while Jess and her pals kick the ball around, she meets Jules, who is quite impressed with Jess' skills. Jules plays with a local semi-pro women's football team, the Hounslow Harriers, and she thinks Jess has what it takes to make the team. Jess knows that her parents would never approve of their daughter playing football, so she doesn't tell them, and starts spinning an increasingly complex series of lies as she tries to keep up a double life as a student and a footballer. Jess soon discovers a number of her new friends have their own problems to overcome; Jules dreams of playing pro ball in America, but has to deal with her stubborn and disapproving mother, while Joe, Hounslow's Irish coach, still struggles with the disappointment of a career as a professional athlete which was dashed by a knee injury. Throughout Bend it like Beckham, clear sociological factors all appear, from stereotypical ideologies through to race, class and gender, bend it like Beckham is a enjoyable, funny film that can be used to explain more clearly how ideologies, identity, power and social influences all have a part to play in everyone’s lives. Ideologies are beliefs and ideas that people form to give meaning to their life experiences and make sense of the world, there are different types of ideologies, including class, race and gender ideologies and these ideologies form identities. Identity is about belonging, about what you have in common with some people and what differentiates you from others. At its most basic it gives you a sense of personal location, the stable core to your individuality. But it is also about your social relationships, your complex involvement with others’ (Weeks 1990 p. 88 cited in Rutherford 1990 p. 88) Class ideologies are the beliefs that people have to understand economic inequalities, identify them in terms of their class position and evaluate the manner in which economic inequalities are and how they should be integrated into the organization of social worlds. Class ideology is not an as important factor in the movie as the other forms of ideology but it picked up upon slightly when the father mentions that they are not rich, also the environment in which the movie is filmed portrayed her family as working class, however she is planning to go to university and wins a scholarship at the end so her education is pretty good. Racial ideology is one of the main ideologies depicted in the movie, it is a set of ideas and beliefs that people use to give meaning to skin colour and to evaluate people in terms of racial classifications. Racial ideologies vary around the world, but they are powerful when people use them to classify humans into racial categories. In the film, jess is Sikh, this means the family generally follow strict cultural life preferences due to their religion and these preferences cause restrictions in jess’s freedom, she shouldn’t even show as much skin as a football kit reveals in general, let alone play football itself, with girls from other cultural backgrounds, she is seen as disgracing the family for her participation. Racism is touched upon in a scene during which she retaliates to a tackle and receives a red card, only to find out that she was called a ‘paki’. The coach explains to her that he also received discrimination due to him being Irish. This informs us of the constraints of racial barriers still produced now, even in today’s multi-cultural society. Another factor in the movie is that Jess and Joe ( the Irish coach) end up falling for each other which is another racial barrier that is not regularly crossed due more to the beliefs and culture of jess and her families religion. Gender ideology is also a set of ideas and beliefs but that masculinity, femininity, and male-female relationships. It is the Basis for defining what it means to be a man or a woman, evaluating and judging people and relationships and determining what is natural and moral related to gender. The main issue relating the gender ideologies in this film relates to the race ideology and that is that she opposes the obvious stereotype of an Indian woman, An Indian woman’s identity is created by the tradition’s of an Indian woman, for example according to ideologies her job is to cook and look after the house and children. however her interest is not a family and learning how to cook, but to become a professional female footballer and attend university to study for a degree. By Jess opposing this gender ideology, she is creating her own identity as an Indian woman footballer, trying to keep her femininity by falling for the Irish coach, sticking to her Indian traditions by wearing the clothes and learning to cook, however she does this all and still able to play football up to a scholarship standard, doing the best job to define her own identity. She also defies the stereotypical footballer, which for a start, is male, and is rarely Indian, in English society anyway. , emphasising on her identity as a woman footballer, not a man. Jess opposes her parents and other groups of people with the same traditions and beliefs, who feel that women shouldn’t play football, and this is a clear example of femininity, also during a scene where jess is involved in a match, the same is being watched by 4 of jess’ male friends who shout sexist remarks at the team members, not in a malicious way but this still shows the males idea of women as an object, during this scene, jess’s secret gay friend ( who is also Indian and therefore causes another constraint in that omosexuality is frowned upon more than it is in other cultures) asks the boys, which are also his friends, as to why they can’t see the woman as footballers, and they all just laugh, which emphasises peoples stereotypical thoughts of women. In the film they also talk about the opinion that even Indian boys should not play football, so for a female Sikh to play is deemed as even worse, Jess is completely contradicting two ideologies, her ge nder ideology, and her race ideology. But this way creating her own identity, its is a struggle for Jess to fight all the ideologies present to achieve her goal. Ideologies of women in sport mean that there are several gender barriers to overcome people still feel that sport is male dominant and there are certain sports that are for men, and certain sports that are for women, and bend it like Beckham contradicts this belief. Power is also noticeable in the movie and there are different power hierarchies, the football coach is male, so still portrays the male dominance in the sport as he is seem as the leader and the team of females still have to do as he says. Also the parents have different levels of parent, jess’s mother seems to have influence over the father, and they both have influence over their daughter. Jess feels that she is being constrained and sees the football team as a social structure; Identity is formed in the relationships between ‘social structures’ and an individual ‘subjectivity’ (Hughson et al 2005 p. 110). She feels she can use this social structure to assert her agency; Jess knows that sporting achievement is a sign of social mobility, therefore she knows that her constraints could decrease in society if she can achieve high in a football career, barriers would decline and she would exceed expectation due to the stereotypes she is grouped in and op portunities in life would come more easily. So Jess is taking her individualism as a Sikh female to create a relationship with a social structure, which is the football club. and she can achieve all this by the opportunity to play football. The film shows she achieving this to her best of her ability as she gets scouted and wins a scholarship to a top university to play football, where she can individually change peoples perception of Indian woman, and also influence other Indian females to start playing football. The one key moment in the movie that I felt best exhibits all the main sociological factors of identity, ideology and power comes on 6 minutes into the movie, jess is walking through the local park when her male friend sees her and asks her to join in, as soon as she starts playing to can see power and gender ideologies already, the group of men that she is playing have there tops off for a start, and being able to take there tops off to play football shows male dominance and masculinity, which shows power is present as the men believe they are in charge because they are male. Also they say sexist comments to jess about her football capabilities as a female for example, one of the men say â€Å" can you chest it like Beckham, you know, give it sum bounce (emphasising on her chest) , it wasn’t malicious as they were all friends but it was another means so showing the gender ideology and male dominance, as well as gender discrimination. The movie continues and jess gets hold of the ball and takes it round all the boys before scoring, unknowingly being watched by Jules, her soon to be football partner and best friend. Jules runs off and Jess continues to play football. The movie then continues into Jess’s room where she talks to her poster of David beckham, she says â€Å"its not fair that the boys never have to come home and help† what she is saying is that because of her families religion, there are rules that must abided to and one of them is that the women are the ones in the home, for cooking and cleaning and the boys are the ones who work.. This is one of the main barriers to participation she has, her ethnicity means she is going against her families beliefs by playing football. She also asks the question, of if she had an arranged marriage, would they let her play football? This emphasises on the constraint that her ethnicity causes for her participation in the sport. Her father then walks in the room and starts to moan about all the posters of ‘a bald man’ on her wall, the opposite of how a man should look like according to her religion. The clip carries on into the engagement party located at her house, and by the large amount of people in the house, which is small as it is, this can be looked upon as defining her class ideology of a working class family, as they may not be able to afford a bigger area of the night. Now jess is dressed in all her traditional Indian clothing, a big contrast to her shorts and Manchester united top she wore down the park. Jess is handing out a plate of food and an old lady, says to her that it will be her turn soon to get married and does she want a proper Sikh with a full bear and a turban, the direct opposite to David beckham, this links to race ideology as saying that their religion has a typical man and that her marriage and Sikh life in evitable, it also just hints on the barriers she must overcome to achieve her dream, she doesn’t want the traditional normal life of a female Sikh, she wants to be a professional footballer. This key moment continues but now the scene is set back at the park, again she is playing football with the same group of topless men, whereas three girls who know jess, are watching on, checking out the men. Jess makes this a stark contradiction to the stereotypical scenario because even though she is female, she is playing football, in her football shirt, with the lads, rather than sit with the girls. She contradicts her own stereotype by playing football, she is not the Sikh girl everyone wants her to be. Jess finds it easier to fit in with the girls by knowing the boys, he is very much a tomboy who would rather be out getting muddy than buying new clothes. Again contradicting her own gender ideology, she also comes across as gay to many of the Sikhs because of her unorthodox activities. While playing football Jules goes over to jess, and in front of the lads asks her if she plays for any team, immediately afterwards one of the males says â€Å" yer like who, Southport united sari squad† this is a dig at her ethnicity not at her gender or sex, so this explains my point that she has to overcome two main barriers that are her gender and her ethnicity, both ideologies constrain her from participation, and also male dominance and masculinity also don’t help with her problem of her being a female footballer either and the power influence can be seen underlying the movie. This is where my key moment ended. In summary, I have learnt that social identities and ideologies are formed from sport societies, in today’s world, Groups and societies are characterised by shared values and conflicts of interest and sports forms are culturally produced, reproduced and/or transformed, sports forms are social constructions that change as power relations change and as narratives and discourses change. n relation to identity, ideology and power, Bend it like Beckham touches on several key sociological dimensions, it mainly focuses on how her cultural identity constraints her from participating in the sport she loves as her parents strict beliefs and traditions and they feel that she should be a proper Sikh and learn to cook Indian food, not play football. She should be focusing on becoming a lawyer according to her parents. She also has to deal with the fact that she is a woman and football is a male dominated game, therefore, for an Indian female to wanting to play football, she must overcome social barriers and constraints to achieve her goal, and the film is based on her attempt to achieve this. Sport is a very important influence in everyone’s social lives, it effects peoples participation, culture and social groups, is a reflection on peoples social life.

Wagner Matinee

English 1011 3 December 2009 â€Å"A Journey through Life† Life is all about choices. Even the simplest choice could turn a situation around and further affect the future of an individual forever. I found Willa Cather’s short story â€Å"A Wagner Matinee† very interesting. It deals with different levels of choices, some which might affect the character’s life slightly, while other choices may affect their entire lifetime. The way the story is written makes the reader think a lot about the events that occur along the way.It leaves the reader wondering how the situation the characters are to encounter is widely affected by the choice of decision that is made. Many psychologists have tried and still try to research and explain the way humans think and make their own decisions by theories, views, and models. There are many psychologists who contribute their lives in order to examine the similarity between decisions and their consequences. It is found that most of the decisions are through experiences, stereotypes and personal views.The story starts with the narrator, Clark, receiving a letter from his uncle, Howard. In the letter there is a notice stating that his aunt, Georgiana, is coming to Boston for the settling of her relative’s estate. However, when he reads the letter he notices that Uncle Howard postponed sending the letter until the last moment possible, because the date that is noted for his aunt’s arrival to town is the very next day. Clark describes the letter as â€Å"worn and rubbed, looking as If it had been carried for some days in a coat pocket that was non too clean† (Cather 201).It shows how his uncle’s poor decision could have turned out if he had delayed sending the letter for one extra day or if Clark was not at home that day to receive it. When Clark expresses his feelings toward his aunt he states how important and affective she was on his childhood. She was the one who taught him abou t music, Shakespeare, mythology, and Latin. If not for her, he would have been just an ordinary farmer boy who knows nothing about education.Thus, it is clear how upset he would have gotten with himself and his uncle if he would have received the letter late and missed his aunt’s arrival. Decision avoidance is a tendency of avoiding making a choice by postponing it or by seeking an easy way out that involves neither action nor change. It usually results from reason and emotion. As mentioned in the â€Å"Psychological Bulletin† by Christopher J. Anderson: â€Å"Under conditions of high stress, this avoidance can become extreme. Take, for example, the â€Å"old sergeant syndrome† described by Janis and Mann (1977b).Infantry on the front lines of battle for long periods, witnessing the death of comrades and having no hope of transfer, have been known to ignore decisions required to protect themselves under fire or from routine safety hazards. For them, decision av oidance costs lives†. There are four occurrences that had been discussed by researches: â€Å"Status quo†, â€Å"omission†, â€Å"Inaction inertia†, and â€Å"Deferral†. There is no need for the discussion of all four phenomena, since they all are all related to previous outcomes and feedback.Decision avoidance is made when facing a decision concerning a valuable thing to the decision maker. For a person there is usually only one chance to make the right decision, but sometimes when the person thinks about the options of the possible consequences it draws him or her back, especially if there is a possibility of discrepancy, loss, or regret. In the decision made by Uncle Howard, the reason for postponing the letter until the last moment might have been for various reasons.Some of the reasons could be that he might have knew how puzzled she will be when she goes back to her home town, he might have thought how much he would miss her when she will be a way, thought of their kids, or was afraid of her staying for a much longer time at her family’s house. Although Clark got upset with his uncle for the fact that he sent the letter so late, Uncle Howard probably did not think of it the way Clark did and he definitely did not mean to do that so Clark would not have the chance of seeing his aunt. The second choice is made by Clark.After his aunt arrives to town he decides to take her to an opera the next day, since she used to be a music teacher and admires classical music, â€Å"to repay her for some of the glorious moments she had given [him]† (Cather 202). Although, when he talks with her, he becomes worried that she would not enjoy it. She has not seen an opera ever since she moved to Nebraska, which was thirty years ago. Also, she seems to be interested more in the changes of the city, and keeps on talking about the small unimportant worries that she has about the house she just left for a couple of days, than in wat ching a concert. Once they enter the pera hall, it is the first time Clark notices her observing her surroundings. However, he feels unease that she might become embarrassed of her clothing. She is wearing a black, country, dress, while all the other city-women where dressed in shiny colorful dresses. For her, it felt as if she stepped back into the reality she has longed for over the years she was in Nebraska. Although she does not seem to show any feelings, which makes Clark even more disappointed in the bad decision he had made. Egon Brunswik, who was a successful psychologist in the mid twentieth century, visualized a model of social perception.It was named â€Å"The Lens Model†. The aspect of it is how the way individuals think they see in others usually determines the way they treat and respond to them. The lens in this model represents the way the person sees the environment which is affected by his or her opinions, ideas, and previous experiences. Therefore, this is t he main reason Clark was concerned for his aunt. Since every person is aware that he or she has a different prospect through his or her own lens; Clark did not want his aunt to be uncomfortable if somebody looks at her in an improper way.Clark is also very concerned that it is too much for his aunt to take in, since he recalls and says to the reader: â€Å"I could feel how all those details sank into her soul, for I had not forgotten how they had sunk into mine when I came fresh from ploughing forever and forever between green aisles of corn, where, as in a treadmill, one might walk from daybreak to dusk without perceiving a shadow of change† (Cather 203). However, the moment the first tune is heard in the air is when Aunt Georgiana first displays emotions.She grasps on Clark’s sleeve, and he realizes â€Å"that for her [,] this broke a silence of thirty years† (Cather 203). Then he assures himself that, certainly, the concert might have been a good choice after all. Although she keeps silent throughout the concert, Clark observes her and the way she reacts to the different melodies. Lastly, the third choice that is made by Aunt Georgiana was made thirty years earlier, when she was in her younger years. She spent her childhood in Boston and was used to the city life.However, when she grew up, she fell in love with Uncle Howard while visiting a village in the Green Mountains where her relatives had settled in the past. Her family and friends opposed her decision, but she followed her heart and married him anyhow. Then she moved with him to the Nebraska frontier, where they lived since. Blinded by love, she was not aware of the consequences of her decision and the dramatic change and affect it was to cause to her life. She moved from everything she knew, even from her sophisticated and educated self, to a place she was not expecting. She gave up all she had for the sake of love.Her life changed her from being a music teacher at the Boston Co nservatory, to being in the field and living a country life. It is most evident that she was not very happy with the decision she made when Clark was studying from some of her music books in his young years and she came up to him and told him not to love music so well, â€Å"or it may be taken away. †(Cather 202) This shows how depressed she got after she realized the mistake she made and the big sacrifice she gave for something that might have faded away after a while, and it is obvious that she would take it back if she could, for any price.Also when she arrives to Boston she seems as if she tries not to get attached to the city too much, for she will have to leave it again in a matter of days. When Clark tells her about the concert and suggests visiting the Conservatory, he might have not realized at first the real reason that made her avoid the plan, but the reason she did it was because she did not want to visit these places so the memories would not come back to her and make her even more depressed than she will be. She was trying to avoid reality.However, when Clark took her to the opera she starts to notice the differences between the life she could have stayed in and the life she chose to take. Instead of being in the colorful and happy life, teaching what she is most passionate about to future generations, she chose to move to the county side, do labor work every single day, and live a dull routine that she had no interest in. Yet, once the â€Å"Prize Song† is played Clark notices that tears start falling from her eyes. Soon he learns from her that she heard it times before by a German boy who sang in a chorus of his town in his youth.She had told him to join the country church, but he disappeared shortly after he got himself drunk, lost his money, and a bet, which left him with a fractured collar-bone. The reason that this song shook her emotions might have been because when the young boy came to town he reminded her of herself when s he made the same decision when she was younger. Although he lost everything, the German boy was able to manage and leave town, in contrast to her. Sigmund Freud gave the belief that decision making is irrational a very popular voice in the early twentieth century.The early work of the psychologist J. R. Simon in the mid-twentieth century also argued against classical rationality in decisional processes. It led to the â€Å"Bounded Rationality View†, which says that people are thought to seeking or achieving a satisfactory outcome, rather than the best possible outcome when making decisions. An equivalent and famous example for this view, which was also made by Aunt Georgiana, is the marriage of two individuals who fall in love but have completely different backgrounds and interests.In some situations, the need for a decision arises from the realization that an earlier decision was wrong and that it is not producing the desired results. For example, when the concert is over, w hile every one in the audience stands up and gets ready to leave the opera hall, Clark’s â€Å"kinswoman make[s] no effort to rise† (Cather 205). Even after the men of the orchestra leave the stage, she keeps sitting in her place. Once Clark speaks with his aunt, tears start rolling on her cheeks and she weeps, telling him, â€Å"I don’t want to go, Clark, I don’t want to go! †(Cather 205).Finally, her real emotions come out; she is not able to hold them in any longer. She knows that once she will step out of that building she will have to go back to the reality she put herself into, and she does not want to face it once again. During her short visit to Boston she found out that everything she longed for during this thirty-years period was indeed the life she wanted and dreamt of in her youth, and she knows that this time she will have to make the ultimate decision in which she will have to give up on a big part of her, either her country life and her family, or the one thing she is most passionate about, which is music.In this part of the story, it is very clear to the reader that the experiences and the events that happened in Aunt Georgiana’s past could affect her decision for bad or good. Although sometimes people recognize the right decision they have to make, but a bad experience or an outcome from such a decision in the past would trigger them to decide otherwise. She will have to think if she will be happier with finally redeeming the wrong choice she made when she was young and in-love, or if she will go back to the place in which she finds no interest or excitement.This short story without a doubt contains and shows different choices and their diverse consequences and effects on a person’s life. First, if Uncle Howard had not sent the letter on time, Aunt Georgiana might not have went to visit her nephew, and in return, she would have went back home without having to go through an emotional journey tha t left her with an even larger decision to make.Secondly, if Clark would have gave up on taking her to the concert they would have probably done something else to spend the time, and it might had or had not been easier for Aunt Georgiana to go back home. Also, the most affective decision that was made by the characters is a choice that most people have to make during their lifetime; whether to get married to the person they are in love with or follow a greater passion which is of a greater importance to them.Despite the situation however, a person should always make the decision with what their mind tells them, not their heart, because the mind thinks about the consequences faster and more accurately than the heart does. Meaning, when a person is blinded by the goal he or she wants to achieve and have in his or her life, they usually tend to want it without thinking about the wide range of consequences and changes it will make to his or her life. A person might think a decision is e asy.However, simplest choices can have far reaching consequences. Abelson, Robert P. , Schank, Roger C. , and Langer, Ellen J. Beliefs, reasoning, and decision making: psycho-logic in honor of Bob Abelson. New Jersey, 1994. Anderson, Christopher J. † The Psychology of Doing Nothing: Forms of Decision Avoidance Result From Reason and Emotion. † Phsycological Bulliten Vol. 129, (2003): 139–167. Wolf, Bernhard. â€Å"University of Landau, Germany†. 2005. University of Landau, Germany. 27 Nov. 2009. .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dishonesty in Hamlet Essay

â€Å"Many critics have suggested Hamlet chronicles the perils of life within a largely false and dishonest world. To what extent has this been your experience of Shakespeare’s play?† The world we currently know has experienced many stages and eras such as the Renaissance era and the New World Era. In each of these eras, falsehood, dishonesty, deceit and revenge all seem to grow rich, however remorse and guilt grow poor. Like a domino effect, with all this tremendous falsehood come fatal and destructive dangers in life. Whether it be due to the risks of overthinking, or perhaps the risks of taking action, they seem to grow exponentially with time. William Shakespeare portrays evidently this changing world and it’s forever increasing perils of deceit throughout the play Hamlet, representing the aftermath of lying and its effects on everything around us, specifically the Great Chain of Being and Nature itself. The world the audience is shown as they enter Hamlet is stuck in a phase between the Renaissance and New World Era. The men of the Renaissance era were warriors and put trust in themselves, whereas in the New World, more men are thinkers as they have lost a sense of existential trust. This transition is essentially portrayed in the allusion to the story of the Helen of Troy, recited by Hamlet himself in Act 2 Scene 2 where Pyrrhus, a son who vows to avenge his dead father, seeks revenge on his murderer, Priam. Pyrrhus goes on to slay Priam, but before doing so, â€Å"like a neutral to his will and matter [does] nothing†. However after this pause, he is able to follow through with his mission. Pyrrhus hence portrays a true warrior. Similarly, we see in Act 3 scene 3, Hamlet following in Pyrrhus’ legacy to avenge his father, however there is a detrimental difference in Hamlet’s methods. Hamlet, being a thinker from the new world, pauses before striking King Claudius, however he does what Pyrrhus would not dare do – think. Essentially, Hamlet changes what should have occurred, and in turn causes a ripple effect where Polonius, Ophelia, Gertrude, Rosencrantz, etc. all die. This ultimately demonstrates how Shakespeare intends to chronicle how as the world changes and becomes less trusting with one’s self, the perils of overthinking life become more and more real and indeed cause the perils of death. All this change in the world and the ever-increasing deceit add up and cause a significant rupture and destruction of the Great Chain Of Being (GCOB). Where a king should be a descendant of the original king, instead of Hamlet becoming king, Claudius takes his position. Claudius’ crown is an extensive metaphor for a mask he wears in which it makes himself feel much more evocative and powerful, something he is not. Throughout the entire play, Claudius’ life is ultimately an existential lie. Portrayed through a metaphor used in Hamlet’s conversation with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Act 2 Scene 2 that â€Å"Denmark’s a prison†, Shakespeare suggests that the city has spiralled into destruction, violence and unlawful sins. Also with the use of the metaphysical appearances of the ghost of Old Hamlet in multiple scenes, the audience is brought to conclude that the dishonesty of King Claudius has inflicted disruption to each and every person in Denmark. Hamlet tells the story of a real life Machiavel and how his villainous actions cause downfall and havoc to all life in Denmark. Ultimately, the anecdote of King Claudius is used to represent how one’s dishonesty to himself, and to everyone around him, create dangers to not only himself, but to nature and society itself. The idea that lies and deceit cause disturbances to every person’s lives is further enhanced by the use of structure in Hamlet. In almost every scene in which lies are being told (such as Act 2 scene 2 where Hamlet insults Polonius with his lies and where Rosencrantz and Guildenstern attempt to lie to Hamlet, and again in Act 3 Scene 2 where Hamlet teaches the players how to act or, in other words, lie, and so forth) the structure changes from Shakespeare’s famous iambic pentameter, to structure less speech. This use of transitory structures is Shakespeare’s method of metaphors to demonstrate that as people become more and more dishonest, they begin to destroy the unadulterated harmony of life and how its sequences should play out, pushing it into madness and confusion. Shakespeare attempts to portray to his audience his idea that the more lies and dishonesty, the more the perils of causing death and destroying the true sequence of events that are meant to be followed, falling back on the idea of disturbances of the GCOB. An old myth states that if you keep making faces as the wind changes, your face will remain that way. Analysing this further, if you wear a mask in many different situations, you soon begin to wear that mask forever. Shakespeare alludes to this myth in Act 2 Scene 2 where Hamlet says he is â€Å"but mad north-north-west† but â€Å"when the wind is southerly, [he] know[s] a hawk from a handsaw†. In Act 1 Scene 5, Hamlet states how he will â€Å"put on an antic disposition†, in other words put on a metaphorical mask whenever he is around those he does not trust. Shakespeare’s allusion to the myth suggests that if Hamlet continues to act like someone he is not, he will remain that way – he will remain to be crazy. Essentially, Hamlet’s dishonesty with himself and with those around him foreshadows his downfall, and, ultimately, his death. By alluding to the myth in one scene, and portraying how Hamlet is indeed wearing this mask as the wind changes in another scene, it can be extracted that Shakespeare intended to show a developing story of the dangers of lying and wearing masks to cover up the truth. If in your own world, you must lie to yourself, and continuously lie and deceive yourself, indeed you will remain that way, and henceforth lead on to much more fatal things such as becoming permanently insane. This notion of wearing masks to cover up one’s true identity is evident throughout the course of Hamlet. It is again seen where Polonius hides himself behind an arras in Act 3 Scene 4, spying on Hamlet and his mother’s conversation. Essentially, Polonius’ choice to hide behind an arras and lead himself into dishonesty unravels and causes him to be accidentally murdered. The demonstration of the consequences of lying and deceiving is genuinely strong here, where it does not lead to simply madness nor pain, but the worst punishment of our current world – death. This irreversible consequence demonstrates the desperation of Shakespeare to get his message across that with lying and dishonesty, there is a chain reaction and it may possibly lead to death, ultimately the greatest peril of life. There is a specific order in which the world works, and when one lies, or deceives those around them, indeed they denature the destined sequence of events in life. In doing so they form a sense of confusion and cause even more dishonesty with everyone around them. In conjunction with the above, it is overly simplistic to conclude that William Shakespeare depicts the ever-increasing dishonesty and deceitfulness throughout Hamlet and in turn successfully and evidently chronicles the consequences and aftermath of these sinful actions.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Inflation in Indonesia

Article about Inflation Subject: Economy Submitted: Thursday, 29 November 2012 By: ID: 014201000039 Name: Joseph Amos P President University, Cikarang Baru, Bekasi, Indonesia 2012 Economics is the most important aspect of a country. The reciprocation of a country is seen in terms of economy. Economics also become a benchmark of development and prosperity in a country. Why does the economy become vitally important in a country? The word â€Å"economy† you hear about in everyday life and are never separated from our activities. Everything we do from opening the eyes to close my eyes again is inclusive of economic activity.Someone who is able to manage the economy well, it will be seen by other people because of management's ability. Likewise with a country, a country will be seen by other countries through the economy. So what about the Indonesian economy itself? Definition of Inflation Inflation is the tendency of the general prices for general ascending and continuous or sympt oms can also be said of a continued rise in the prices of goods and factors of production general continuously within a certain period. Keep in mind that the increase in the price of one or two items not called inflation.Causes of Inflation, can be divided into Demand Side Inflation, which is caused by an increase in aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply increases Supply Side Inflation, which is caused by an increase in aggregate supply exceeds aggregate demand Demand Supply Inflation, inflation is caused by a combination of an increase in aggregate demand which is then followed by an increase in aggregate supply, so prices rise higher into Suppressed Inflation or a cover-up, the inflation at a time will arise and show themselves as the official prices increasingly irrelevant in reality Classification of Inflation . Based on the Presence of Severe Inflation Inflation Lightweight (under 10% a year) Inflation Medium (between 10-30% a year) Inflation weight (between 50-100% a year) Hyper inflation (over 100% a year) 2. By The reasons for the beginning of Inflation Inflation demand, because the demand for various goods too strong Cost Inflation, due to rising production costs 3. Based on the origin of inflation Domestic Inflation, inflation stemming from domestic Imported Inflation, Inflation overseas Impact of Inflation PositiveIf inflation is mild, it has a positive effect in terms of stimulating the economy could be better, which is to increase the national income and get people excited to work, save and invest. People who rely on income based benefits, such as employers, are not harmed by the inflation. So it is with employees who work in companies with payroll following the rate of inflation. For people who borrow money from the bank (debtor), inflation is beneficial, because when debt payments to creditors, the value of money are lower than at the time of borrowing.Instead, the lender or the lender will lose money because the value of the refund is lower than at the time of borrowing. For producers, inflation can be profitable if the income is higher than the increase in production costs. When this happens, the manufacturers will be forced to double its production (usually occurs in large employers). Negative Impact of Inflation In the event of uncontrolled inflation (hyperinflation), the state of the economy went into chaos and felt sluggish economy.People become excited about work, savings, or investments and production as prices rise rapidly. The fixed income earners such as civil servants or private employees, and the workers will also be overwhelmed bore and offset the price so that their lives are wasting away and fell from time to time. For people who have a fixed income, inflation is very detrimental. Let's take the example of a retired civil servant in 1990. In 1990, his pension is enough to meet their needs, but in the year 2003-or thirteen years later, the purchasing power of money may only live a half.That is, retiremen t is no longer enough money to make ends meet. Inflation also causes people reluctant to save because the value of the currency goes down. Indeed, savings earn interest, but if the inflation rate on the interest, value for money is still declining. If people are reluctant to save money, businesses and the investment will be difficult to develop. Due to growing business needs of the bank's funds earned from savings. Conclusion Indonesia's economy had experienced the ups and downs of the early proclamation to the reform era as it is today.Various strategies have been adopted by the Ministers of Indonesia's economy in order to build a strong economy. Peak, Indonesia experienced a dramatic decline during the economic crisis that caused the inflation rate rising so rapidly at the end of the New Order era. The unemployment rate increased rapidly causing poverty increased rapidly as well. However, with each passing era into the era of economic reform Indonesia gradually showed improvement. Nurfaidah, R (2010). â€Å"Perekonomian Indonesia 2010. † http://kandankilmu. blogspot. com/search/label/Articles [Accessed 27 November 2012] Sadli, M (2006). Inflasi dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia† http://kolom. pacific. net. id/ind/prof_m. _sadli/artikel_prof_m. _sadli/inflasi_dan_pertumbuhan_ekonomi_di_indonesia. html [Accessed 27 November 2012] Bayutube86 (2009). â€Å"Makalah Tentang Inflasi dan Dampaknya† http://cafe-ekonomi. blogspot. com/2009/05/makalah-tentang-inflasi-dan-dampaknya. html [Accessed 27 November 2012] Aryati, S (2010). â€Å"Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Sangat Kuat† http://fararirureroduty. blogspot. com/2010/11/pertumbuhan-ekonomi-indonesia-sangat. html [Accessed 27 November 2012]

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discuss the motives underlining M&A and compare the outcomes of the Essay

Discuss the motives underlining M&A and compare the outcomes of the different methodologies used to analyse M&A - Essay Example There are two types of acquisitions; â€Å"private and â€Å"public†. This depends on whether the company acquiring is or is not listed on a public stock market. The difference between Merger and Acquisition is that Merger deals with two companies joining to become one while Acquisition has one company, which is doing the buying (Sherman and Hart, 20016:11). The work that follows discusses the motives underlying M&A, and compares the outcomes of the different methodologies used to analyze M&A. All companies that engage in any business are under one rule: grow or die. Those companies that plan to grow take away market share from their competitors look for the creation of economic profits and provide returns to shareholders (Sherman and Hart, 2006: 1). Those that lack plans on growth are stagnant, do not plan any growth strategies, they end up losing customers and market share and lose shareholder value. Mergers and Acquisitions contribute a lot to these two conditions. It help s the stronger company to grow faster than the competition and ensures quick swallowing of the weaker companies or them making irrelevant through exclusion (Sherman and Hart, 2006:1). Motives underlying M&A Different business enterprises and companies have used Mergers and Acquisitions as a means of growth strategies. ... The three differ according to the ideas behind them (Schmidt, 2010: 67) Economic motives Different authors have devised different theories to explain economic motives that encourage people to engage in Merges and Acquisitions; Efficiency theory This theory presents the motive of benefiting shareholders and managers of the acquiring company (Farschtschian, 2012:18). According to this theory, companies plan and execute Mergers and Acquisitions to achieve financial, operational and managerial synergies (Faulkner, Teerikangas and Joseph, 2012). The shareholders with this motive aim to benefit from net gains through synergy. Monopoly theory Under this theory, companies engage in Mergers and Acquisition with the motive of achieving market power. Mergers and Acquisitions under this motive may allow companies to cross-subsidize products, at the same time limit competitions in more than one market, and discourage potential entrants from the market. All of this result to monopoly power for the company. The shareholders under this motive aim at the wealth transfers from customers. Managerial Motives Theories that explain managerial motives include; Empire/Agency building theory This theory shows the motive aimed at benefiting managers. In this motive, managers plan for Mergers and Acquisitions aiming at maximizing their own utility instead of shareholders’ value (Karenfort, 2011: 9). The managers, according to this theory, plan to engage the company in mergers and Acquisition aiming at benefiting or creating their own reputation. Another motive is the need to transform to a corporate identity or recognition. This is where companies merge to gain popularity (Sherman and Hart, 2006:13). Financial motives The following theories explain the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Toys and gender role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Toys and gender role - Essay Example All of the items designated for girls are grouped together, all of the items for boys can be found in the same location, and items that are considered unisex, such as bicycles, sporting equipment and boardgames, can be located usually in the back of the store or in an aisle that runs perpendicular to the others. These gender-designated aisles often stick out from one another due to the colors of the packages that the toys are in. Girls’ toys are dominantly packaged in pink, though purple is also seen quite often. These aisles appear soft in color and more sweet and appealing to little girls. Boys’ toys are usually packed in blue, with red being the second most-seen color. The boys’ aisles are more loud and solid, easily catching the attention of the young male population. The colors of the packages seem to speak for themselves in regard to what little girls and boys are assumed to be. The pink would suggest that girls are more delicate and innocent, while the blu e reveals that boys are more tough. There is definitely a contrast of femininity and masculinity between how the toys are packaged based on gender. Furthermore, the color pink has long since been determined to be the color for females, while blue has been determined the color for males. Pink tends to be the dominating color for most things for girls, including clothes, school supplies, and their toys, just as blue is the dominating color for most of the things that boys would use.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business Ethics - Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Ethics - Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example To do this, the essay will start by describing a situation at my friend Mary’s former placement workplace that posed an ethical dilemma. Later, the essay will seek to explain why the situation proved an ethical dilemma, before coming up with an appropriate solution for it. Working for a few months at Sisto Mission Hospital as a content developer and data entry clerk, Mary came across some information that placed her in a dilemma ethically. As she was gathering information as part of her daily routine, her sister’s fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s name came to the screen. His information said that he had recently been tested for HIV and diagnosed to be positive. In addition, the information also showed that Michael was currently under treatment at a local facility, as well as counseling services, for HIV. Mary and her sister and are close, especially since their mother passed away from cancer early in their lives, which has meant that they always look out for one another. Having met her sister at least six times in the last month, Mary was sure she did not know about Michael’s condition. If she did, Mary or her father would have known about it by now. The information comes at an especially crucial moment because her sister is preparing for her wedding in three weeks. Mary am devastated by the information and torn between her sister and family on one side and her job on the other. If she elects not to give this information to her sister with regards to her fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s condition, she can maintain my integrity and get a good reference from her boss. This is important, as this is a prestigious company, which will strengthen her CV significantly. However, telling her sister about Michael’s condition will inform her decision on whether to go ahead with the wedding. She could be able to evaluate her position alongside Michael and make a decision based on reality. Nonetheless, doing this could lead to termination from Mary’s current position and a poor report from her

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Smoking Cigarettes is Good for Your Health - Article Analysis Essay

Smoking Cigarettes is Good for Your Health - Article Analysis - Essay Example From the article, it is evident that the writer believes the only way to realize communication and draw the attention of readers is through taking this risk. Readers like reading stories that are the opposite of expectations. Although writers take the risk to explore a topic not previously done, they eventually bring new and viable ideas into the book. In writing to win a large number of readers, safety in writing is a risk that many writers overlook. Scholars have considered safety as a component with less weight in the art of writing (Tepper). Many people know that smoking is dangerous to one’s health to appoint that the cigarettes contain a warning of being harmful. However, the author brings a different idea to book, where he several advantages of smoking unlike what other writers do. In this case, it is risky for the author to choose such a sensitive topic and argue of benefits of smoking knowing very well that security agents are opposed to the idea. This means that the writer can be questioned by authorities hence risky to him. The idea that cigarettes are beneficial to humankind raises eyebrows and hence can rise the contest on the subject. Partiality in writing is most likely to increase the controversy and hence risks in writing. In whatever subject matter, the writer must argue on both sides. This means that the advantages and disadvantages must be well presented in the article. The author of the article analyses several disadvantages of smoking despite the fact that they are for the idea that smoking is health to one’s life. In an argumentative writing, the author must present both sides and show the strengths of each without been bias on one side., this means that the author should not take a side on whatever argument and should just make suggestions remaining partial at the end of the writing. Although the author tried to make a justification that smoking is healthy, disadvantaged of smoking are keenly presented in the article showin g the impartiality of the author. The difference in the presentation of ideas is from the diverse differences in both written and oral languages. With the growth of technology witnesses in the last past decades, language has moved from verbal to written. Every cultural setting has its norms regarding language and manner of presentations. As such, there is a classification of languages from standard, regional and local languages. Writers majorly concentrate with standard language. In the article, there is a proper use of standard language that is easily understood. Standard language goes hand in hand with the controversial topic (Ferraro). From this, the readers expect more of the article as they would when reading a normal scholarly article. To ensure that the author convinces the readers, facts and opinions are given and required evidence provided.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Does God Exsist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Does God Exsist - Essay Example Aquinas' five reasons for the existence of God are: the principle of motion, efficient cause, possibility and necessity, gradation of things and finally the governance of the world. These principles are used to counter two earlier mentioned objections as to the existence of God. These objections question the probability of an all-good God allowing evil in the world and whether or not God is the true source of creation. The main argument for the existence of God is that the source of all in existence is best explained by an original source with no limits and that is God. This paper aims to examine both objections to and arguments for the existence of God by examining the five points presented by Aquinas and cross examining these points with Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilych and Anselm's Proslogion. After examining both sides of the issue the paper will determine how Aquinas successfully argues the existence of God. The main argument that Aquinas presents is clear: God exists. Aquinas argues this by first, outlining two objections to the existence of God. These objections will be discussed in more detail later. He then, counters these objections by outlining five reasons for God's existence. The first reason Aquinas g... hot, to be actually hot, and thereby moves and changes it." The wood has a potential to become hot; however it needs fire in order for it to actually become hot. Aquinas argues that there must be a first mover and that first mover is best understood as God. The second reason is concerned with causality. Aquinas argues that nothing can exist by itself nor can it cause itself. Something else must cause it. The third reason argues that everything has a potential to exist only if something else will cause it to exist. These things are necessary, just as a male and female are necessary to produce offspring. However there must be an original cause of these necessities. This ties in with Anselms,' Proslogion in which he ponders God's existence by considering an understanding of God's existence. He argues that if God exists only in one's mind than something greater than God could be conceived, however it can't. Thus Anselm states, "Hence there is no doubt that there exists a being, than which nothing greater can be conceived, and it exists both in the understanding and reality". Something must be the greatest and thus the source of all that can be conceived and that something is God. The fourth argues that everything has a position on a scale f rom worst to best, slowest to fastest and other such extremes. Everything has a maximum or perfection to be reached and so there must be an original source of perfection and this source is God. The fifth reason is that everything in the world that is unintelligent, such as plants, landforms, the ocean and the like all work towards a particular purpose. The ocean provides a home for marine life and the source of rain; plants clear the air and provide food and shelter for animals. If each of these things serves a purpose, then something