Thursday, August 8, 2019

Interview Experience and Making Presentations Research Paper

Interview Experience and Making Presentations - Research Paper Example The process of doing a job interview is regarded as one of the most critical processes in job search. People engage in interviews with ultimate caution, and this translates into a nervous breakdown at times. Interview processes are also done for other issues but job interviews top the list in my most memorable engagements. My first encounter with such a practice was successful due to certain aspects. I went for the job interview with high hopes but I was also extremely cautious not to end up unsuccessful. My application targeted the post of a data entry clerk in a research firm. It was my first part-time job search, and it was extremely significant to me. Basically, the interview embodied a strategic conversation that stemmed out of purpose. My goals included proving to the prospective employer that I certainly had the skills, background, and the relevant ability required for the job. These qualities help an individual in assuring the employer that she/he can fully fit into the compa ny and its core culture (Allen, 2011). My experience was quite challenging, but the results were impressive since I was accepted into the company. I answered the questions comfortably and portrayed other personality attributes that were instrumental. Exemplary interpersonal and communication skills were evident, as well as confidence and enthusiasm among others. The interview was successful due to the fact that I was able to answer the questions in the best way. This can be attributed to the issue of merit, but it was also influenced by extensive research about the company. I carried out some research about the company prior to the interview; thus, I had relevant knowledge on the interviewer’s expectations. I may comfortably state that this was the biggest reason as to why I got employed. However, it is pertinent to note that other issues also contributed towards the achievement. This can be exemplified by my ability to volunteer crucial personal information about my strength s and weaknesses also enhanced my quest. B. Describe an interview you have had (or know about) that did not go well. Speculate as to what went wrong. Explain how the interview could have been successful. My second experience was also a job interview and it characterized most aspects that relate to such practices. In this case, I was also targeting a part time job in a manufacturing company during the holidays. I was confident that I would be successful since I had already participated in a similar exercise in the past. The professional part of the conversation was evident, and I managed to convince the interviewer that I had great interest in a supervisor’s job. I proved to the interviewer that I was the right person for the job through my intense knowledge of the company. This knowledge resulted from research about the company and general knowledge obtained from previous stints in school. My dress code depicted the image of a successful and ambitious person, and it unequivoc ally propelled my chances to greater heights. I answered the questions in the best way possible and maintained my composure throughout the interview. However, there are aspects that I failed to consider during the interview, and they specifically led to complications and disqualification in the long run. There was no doubt that I did merit for the job, but these smaller aspects that I failed to observe changed the entire scene. Apparently, a successful interviewee should not mention the weaknesses of his/her previous employer (Donald, 2002). After my first part time job I had problems with my former employer concerning salary issues. During my second interview, I raised these issues hoping that my prospective employer would consider my

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