Monday, August 12, 2019

Compare and contrast the civil rights movement with the harlem Essay

Compare and contrast the civil rights movement with the harlem rennaisance, - Essay Example ly-built suburb of Harlem.† Most of these people were educated, nonetheless, to their white neighbors they were just †Negroes.† At this time Harlem was still a predominantly white neighborhood. You guessed it, yes, the whites left Harlem making it vacant for more blacks to occupy. Blacks in the south, especially the educated ones, realized that they were not really freed; what was given to them was a pseudo-emancipation. Accepting this plight, most of them immigrated to the northern cities, mostly Harlem. And, Harlem became the most populated black city in America, and the most populated city in the north. ..steady deterioration of the races social and political position in America.... Although in the half century following emancipation a number of blacks successfully accumulated property and acquired an education, most remained poorly educated and mired in rural poverty. Even those who had achieved some material success saw these accomplishments threatened by the growth of segregation and racial violence. Supreme Court reinterpretations of the fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments left blacks defenseless against the segregationist enactments of southern legislatures (6). Black writers from all over the country began writing about their oppression. By the middle of the 1920s they had began to meet in Harlem, and was known as the new black literary movement. This movement later become the Harlem Renaissance. Chief promoters of this movement were James Walden Johnson, Alan Locke, and Charles Johnson. Fortunately for these writers, owners of white magazines and newspapers were ready to publish their work. Their cry for justice was not only within the realm of writing, but in music and acting (Wintz, 64). Between the 1950s and 1960s Georgia gave birth to a new movement, the most successful and the most publicized event in the history of modern America. The civil rights movement, unlike the Harlem Renaissance, this was very organized; its goals

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