Sunday, May 24, 2020

Motivation at Royal Mail Essay - 1620 Words

MOTIVATION AT ROYAL MAIL INTRODUCTION Employee motivation is, or at least must be, one of the key issues for directors, managers and personnel managers. The leader must be able to find the sensitive strings of his subordinates, which can be motivated by influencing them to achieve high performance. The correct use of motivation encourages staff to make more efficient use of their knowledge, skills, and talents. In todays turbulent, often chaotic environment, commercial success depends on the employees talent and effort. Despite the many existing theories and practices, some of the motivation of leaders today remains a mystical term. This is partly due to the fact that people are motivated by different things and techniques.†¦show more content†¦According to Maslow’s Needs theory, based on the fact that a person is justified as long as he still has not reached a certain level of satisfaction, has a better understanding of the fact that human motivation leads to a broad spectrum of their needs we could say that in order to motivate people, the manager has to give employees the opportunity to meet the needs in a way that together lead to the organizations objectives. EMPLOYEE WORK VALUES The salary is not only money, but everything the man values. It is enough to create a good working condition and employees will feel valued. Who had worked in the Soviet period, remembers one of the key employees conducts - take it easy and do what says to do your direct responsibilities. In other words, not disturb anyone, than no one disturbs you. Times have changed and job descriptions for many corporate executives are worthless piece of paper now. Managers are usually strong enough and willing to have various stages of business - the foundation, development, maturity, change management - experience in any sense of human resource management knowledge gap. They do not have the financial, marketing and sales expertise. Now they need to manage people, but not control, and educate them, treat them in such a way that they would be satisfied with the work. In preparing training it is often use the example of the iceberg. What is above the water is called a workers competence, the subjec ts that canShow MoreRelatedAn Assignment on the Hrm Strategic Impact on the Royal Mail3535 Words   |  15 PagesTHE ROYAL MAIL AND ITS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND POLICIES The essay is about the Universal postal firm in United Kingdom named the â€Å"Royal Mail† and its Human Resource Management Strategy and policies from 2005-2010. 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