Thursday, December 26, 2019

Teaching in America God in Schools - 826 Words

Every job opportunity can have ups and downs within it. Teaching is not an exception; there are many different jobs involving teaching, including teaching in the government run public schools. Since the public schools are run by the government they have certain laws and restrictions that the teachers must abide by. One such law is influencing children to consider a certain religious belief during class time. Even though teachers in public schools are not allowed to mention their personal religion in the classroom, they can still share their beliefs after school or by fostering an atmosphere where the students ask for their personal opinion. Teachers play a huge role in society by teaching children academic, social, and behavioral skills. Teachers teach children a variety of subjects including the basic subjects, as well as, extra special classes. Some of the basics would include arithmetic, reading, and writing; whereas, some of the extracurricular activities may include band, art, choir, or different sports. The teachers also teach social and behavioral skills by correcting the student or praising a student depending on how they act. The behavioral teaching begins when a child is small and continues as the child becomes older. When teachers let a child know they disapprove of certain actions they are encouraging the child not to do them. A child who is praised for a certain action may be more likely in the future to repeat such an action. Teaching children behavioralShow MoreRelatedEssay on Intelligent Design: The Best of Both Theories1112 Words   |  5 Pagesbeen going on for years and years. Should schools be all owed to teach evolution without teaching creationism? The courts have ruled, the answer is no, the theory of creationism cannot be included in a public school’s academic curriculum. With the court’s decision, it has been made clear there is no place for faith based theories to be taught in our public schools. What if there was a different approach that took God out of the equation? Public high schools should allow a course in intelligent designRead More Keep Church and State Separated Essay1667 Words   |  7 PagesKeep Church and State Separated missing works cited America is constantly evolving and redefining itself. Those who oppose a separation between church and state claim that because this country was founded on religious principles, our government should continue to base its laws on a Judeo-Christian God. 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The Scopes Trial took place in 1928 when the Supreme Court was deciding whether schools should teach Evolution or Creationism. The foundation of evolution is based upon the belief tha t the origin of all ordered complex systems, including living creatures, can be explained by natural laws without the intervention of God. In that trial the Supreme Court came to a conclusion that Evolution was banned and that creationismRead MoreScopes Trial Essay1167 Words   |  5 Pagescreated unease and animosity throughout the country. The Butler Act of 1925 prohibited the teaching of evolution and any other theories that deny the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the Bible in all Universities and public schools in Tennessee. John Scopes, a high-school biology teacher in Dayton, Tennessee decided to test this law. He was found guilty of teaching evolution to his high-school students despite the Butler Act, resulting in a court trial that brought strong personalitiesRead MoreThe Origin Of Life And Evolution1744 Words   |  7 Pagesapproximate of 42% of Americans believe that humanity was created by God, 18% believe in an evolution directed by God, and only 26% of them support Darwin’s theory. In Great Britain, a survey performed by BBC to a 2000 people sample found that 52% said to believe in non Darwinian explications for the origin of life and evolution. In a more recent survey done in 34 countries by Science magazine, which included the United States of America, Japan and 32 European countries, asked the respondents if â€Å"the

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Henry David Thoreaus Civil Disobedience and Martin...

Henry David Thoreaus Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King, in â€Å"Civil Disobedience† and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,† respectively, both conjure a definitive argument on the rights of insubordination during specified epochs of societal injustice. Thoreau, in his enduring contemplation of life and its purpose, insightfully analyzes the conflicting relationship between the government and the people it governs. He considerately evokes the notion that the majority of people are restrained by the government and society from making decisions with consideration of their conscience and that people need to overcome the reign of the government to realize their own†¦show more content†¦Relating to several biblical allusions like Apostle Paul and Jesus Christ, he sensuously establishes credible authenticity and significance to his motives of civil disobedience against unjust laws; they assist in accentuating the justice within his â€Å"unjustified† actions. King also pr ovokes compelling emotional tides of sympathy and compassion to overcome his readers when he provides sorrow-filled descriptions of the torments Blacks have to go through everyday. Furthermore, his usage of logic in identifying equality as a natural right of all men firmly defends his reasons on sanctioning desegregation. Leaving no loopholes behind his reasoning or ambiguity in his purpose, King competently succeeds in proficiently perpetuating his views on injustice and civil disobedience. In addition to appeals, each writer’s conclusion causes different reactions that relate to the effectiveness of their persuasion. While Thoreau develops a pessimistic view of society and its corrupt fabrications, King builds on a more optimistic view of the future and how society should reform to a better state of equality. Thoreau temporarily expresses hopefulness in his description of a utopian society; however, at the end, he concludes with a pessimistic foresight of the future, stating â€Å"A state which bore this kind of fruit†¦which also I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen.†Show MoreRelated Henry Thoreau’s Influence on Martin Luther King Jr. Essay898 Words   |  4 PagesHenry Thoreau’s Influence on Martin Luther King Jr. Henry David Thoreau was a great American writer, philosopher, and naturalist of the 1800’s who’s writings have influenced many famous leaders in the 20th century, as well as in his own lifetime. Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts in 1817, where he was later educated at Harvard University. Thoreau was a transcendentalist writer, which means that he believed that intuition and the individual conscience â€Å"transcend† experienceRead MoreCivil Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau and Letter From Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King Jr.909 Words   |  4 Pagesessays, Civil Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau, and Letter from a Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King, Jr., incorporate the authors’ opinions of justice. Each author efficiently shows their main point; Thoreau deals with justice as it relates to government, he asks for,†not at one no government, but at once a better government.†(Paragraph 3). King believed,† injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. (Paragraph 4). Each essay shows a valid argument for justice, but Kings philosophyRead MoreMartin Luther King And Gandhi910 Words   |  4 Pages Martin Luther King Jr. had illustrated civil disobedient to the world during a challenging time, by quoting inspirational words from Gandhi and Thoreau. Gandhi had also quoted Thoreau throughout his stimulating time. Before Martin Luther King and Gandhi, Thoreau exemplified civil disobedience in the 1800’s. The purpose of Thoreau’s civil disobedience was to make a different world. King and Gandhi had the same purpose. That is one of the main reasons why they connected to Thoreau’s essay. BornRead MoreDevelopment of Transcendentalism901 Words   |  4 Pageswhile philosophies of civil dispute and nonviolence may seem like a well-accepted idea today, many who fought for this type of negotiation were often considered radical for their introduction of it to society. Among those transcendentalists was Henry David Thoreau, who wrote â€Å"Civil Disobedience†, Mohandas Gandhi, who wrote â€Å"Satyagraha†, and Martin Luther King Jr., who wrote â€Å"Letters from Birmingham Jail†. Henry David Thoreau used the theory of transcendentalism in â€Å"Civil Disobedience.† These three transcendentalistsRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Rhetorical Analysis961 Words   |  4 Pages1. In his letter from Birmingham jail, Martin Luther King Jr., a civil right activist a Baptist Minister and the creator of â€Å"In Letter from Birmingham jail.† King uses concepts of logos, pathos, and ethos to convey his points. Racial tension was high during Mart in Luther King’s time, and he was the voice of the black community. He articulated his words carefully and had use methods of civil disobedience to convey his point. One of the first appeals he makes in his letter is from a logos perspectiveRead MoreAnalysis Of Henry David Thoreau s Letter From Birmingham Jail951 Words   |  4 Pagesconfrontations and have practiced freedom of speech rights for justice. In the two articles, â€Å"Civil Disobedience† by Henry David Thoreau, and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† by Martin Luther King, Jr.; both speakers focused on challenging social and political complications for the better of the future, country, and the government. â€Å"Civil Disobedience† by Thoreau, Henry David follows the author detaching himself from the government due to it favoring the majority based on the powers the certain group possessesRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. And Henry David Thoreau1311 Words   |  6 Pageseverything the general will†, however, it was not always the case, according to influential American authors and civil rights activists Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry David Thoreau. Although both of their works were written over a century apart, one cannot deny the fact that both of them successfully and nonviolently converted their ideology into action using different methods of civil disobedience. Their goal was to fight for a better just system of law and restore faith in humanity. Despite their differentRead More Comparing Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience and Kings Letter From a Birmingham Jail1043 Words   |  5 PagesComparing Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther Kings Letter From a Birmingham Jail The two essays, Civil Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau, and Letter From a Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King, Jr., effectively illustrate the authors opinions of justice. Each author has his main point; Thoreau, in dealing with justice as it relates to government, asks for not at once no government, but at once a better government. King contends that injustice anywhere is a threatRead MoreComparative Essay on Henry David Thoreau in Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther King in Letter from Birmingham Jail820 Words   |  4 PagesHenry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King, in Civil Disobedience and Letter from Birmingham Jail, respectively, both conjure a definitive argument on the rights of insubordination during specified epochs of societal injustice. Thoreau, in his enduring contemplation of life and its purpose, insightfully analyzes the conflicting relationship between the government and the people it governs. He considerately evokes the notion that the majority of people are restrained by the government and societyRead MoreThoreau Civil Disobedience Analysis812 Words   |  4 PagesHenry David Thoreau’s â€Å"Civil Disobedience† and Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† both present similar ideas, as the latter was inspired by the first. This set of principles and ideas is still in being carried out in our nation today, however it is necessary for more people to adopt this way of thinking. Thoreau explains throughout how an individual must conduct civil disobedience to begin a change that is morally correct. He talks a lot about the government and heavily criticizes

Monday, December 9, 2019

Reconstruction in the South Essay Example For Students

Reconstruction in the South Essay Reconstruction in the South Essay This essay will describe the events that occurred following the Civil War in a period known as Reconstruction. In the South, during this period of time many people suffered from the great amount of property damage done to such things as farms, factories, railroads and several other things that citizens depended on to keep their economy strong. Some of these economic hardships included destruction of the credit system and worthless Confederate money. Though statistics in the South were vague the historian E.B. Long, a careful student of war strengths suggests perhaps 750,000 individuals would be reasonably a close as an estimate of Southern enrollments in the armies and navy. In the South Reconstruction meant rebuilding the economy, establishing new state and local governments and establishing a new social structure between whites and blacks. During the war Lincoln had expanded his presidency. With his power he hoped to set up loyal governments in the Southern states that were under Union control. Lincoln appointed new temporary governors and instructed each to call a convention to create a new state government as soon as a group of the states citizen totaling 10 percent of the voters in the 1860 presidential election had signed oaths of loyalty to the Union. Under this plan new governments were formed in Louisiana, Tennessee and Arkansas but the Congress refused to recognize them. Republicans in Congress did not want a quick restoration, for the reason that it would bring Democratic representatives and senators to Washington, and in 1864 Congress passed the Wade-Davis Reconstruction Bill. This bill would have delayed the process of rejoining the Union until 50 percent of the people took an oath of loyalty but Lincoln pocket vetoed the bill. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated just as the South surrendered in April 1865, and then Andrew Johnson inherited the problem of Reconstruction. Johnson supported Lincolns plan after taking office. Enough Confederates signed these oaths to enable the immediate creation of new governments. Johnson required that the new states ratify the 13th Amendment freeing the slaves, abolish slavery in their own constitutions, discard debts incurred while in rebellion, and declare secession null and void. By the end of 1865 all of the secessionist states but Texas had rejoined the Union. Radical Republicans in Congress thought they should control Reconstruction and wished to punish the South for causing the Civil War. Some of these Republicans wished to create a Southern society where blacks and whites were equal. These Republicans opposed the Southern Black Codes. Black Codes were harsh local and state laws passed to control blacks in the South after the Civil War. The Radical Republicans reconstruction plan included the passage of the 13th Amendment and established the Freedmans Bureau(Jackson made the 13th Amendment part of his plan). The Freedmans Bureau is an agency of the Federal government set up in 1865 to help former slaves and other persons suffering from the effects of the Civil War. This reconstruction plan also included passage of a Civil Rights bill and the 14th Amendment(all of these were opposed by Johnson). The 13th Amendment said: Neither slavery nor forced labor shall exist within the United States or its possessions except as a punishment for one convicted of a crime. Congress may make laws to enforce this article. The 14th Amendment said in section four: The Federal Government shall pay all its debts, including debts contracted in putting down rebellion. But neither federal nor state governments may pay debts contracted by aiding a rebellion against the United States, nor pay anyone for the loss of slaves. Symbolism in Young Goodman Brown Essay Only Tennessee ratified the 14th amendment and was allowed to rejoin the Union by Radicals. The remaining ten Confederate states were occupied by United States troops. Southern states had to write a new constitution guaranteeing political rights to blacks. The 15th Amendment said: Neither federal nor state governments can deny any citizen the right to vote because of his race or color, or because he was once in bondage. Congress can pass laws for carrying out this article. Passage of this amendment was mandatory for the last four states to re-enter. Andrew Johnson had opposed Radical Reconstruction and had many vetoes overridden. Congress tried to reduce his power through the Command of Army and Tenure of Office Acts. The Command of Army act took away some of the presidents power as Commander and Chief of the Army and the Tenure of Office Acts said the president could not remove a federal official without the Senates agreement. In 1868 Johnson was accused of violating the .

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Essay Explore the techniques used by Mark Haddon to convey the main characters autism in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is an interesting and meaningful story full of betrayal, swindles, hatred and truth. Mark Haddon begins the story with a boy called Christopher who you would think that is ordinary and he discovers that his next door neighbors dead and has been killed intentionally due to the way that it has been murdered. The clue was that a fork was stabbed into the dog which meant it was premeditated. For this reason the story becomes a murder novel as well as a story of his life. As the story follows on Mark Haddon depicts in an unusual but understanding way that Christopher suffers from Aspergers Syndrome and Autism due to the way he socializes with others and his emotional well being. He is never ebullient and does not understand ones feelings or their character. Mark Haddon shows that the reader would think that Christopher is eccentric however you will find out that he suffers from Aspergers Syndrome and Autism. While Christopher tries to inve stigate he reveals the truth about his mother, the dog and his life is never how it was before. The story unravels itself to nothing but the whole truth. We will write a custom essay on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In the story Mark Haddon has used first person narration and this is extremely effective as you can see in the mind of Christopher and as well as it being effective; the main character who is Christopher is Autistic and is a victim of Aspergers Syndrome. For this reason you can see through the eyes of Christopher and you feel what he is feeling and the reader can feel as if he is behaving in a way that he suffers from Aspergers and Autism. Nevertheless, Mark Haddon gives the reader a feeling that they are unable of communicating or transorting with others in a humorous or sarcastic manner. Christopher also does not understand simple things such as metaphors and he relates his conversations verbatim without interpretation or commentary other than how they make him feel. The reader then ends up filling in the blank spaces and feeling the slightest emotion for Christopher due to the first person narrative in the story. The sentimental subtext is such a wide space that the reader fills i t and this is the effect of the narrative style. In these parts the author Mark Haddon gives the most effective part of each persons viewpoint. The narrative style of the story makes the reader have a place dissimilar to any other characters in the book. Christopher, a 15 year old boy is quite a intellectual thinker, and he needs to have distinct motivation to understand a hard situation. For example, Christopher cannot understand facial expressions for the fact that they move too fast for him to comprehend. As a result of this, visualizations, charts, graphs, pictures and diagrams are used during the period of this book when Christopher is trying to imply something to the reader. The maps and diagrams which Christopher uses inn the story aids himself in identifying his place on earth so that he does not act in an unusual or irritating way which he is nit aware of. This part of the story shows the reader that Christopher is Autistic, suffers from Aspergers Syndrome and has a difficult in coping with everyday things. The topic of mathematics is one thing in which Christopher likes to his heart and makes him settled and steady in his disastrous life. Moreover, the first person is both immovable and adamant with his desire for mathematics. Christopher makes attempts of apprehending the confusing chaos which surrounds him by doing mathematical calculations in his mind to keep him relaxed. For example, on page 100 Christopher shows how little but hard looking dilemmas can sometimes be depicted with an easy mathematical solution. He shows as an example for readers a simple description of the ways in which arises from a logistic equation that shows the population of a system of animals as Nnew = KNold (1 Nold). This pictures Christophers liking for mathematics and how it keeps him calm and steady when solving mathematical equations. .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 , .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .postImageUrl , .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 , .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118:hover , .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118:visited , .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118:active { border:0!important; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118:active , .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118 .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uefa0efe585ab4959b5d331f59afae118:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Shallows: A Rhetorical Analysis EssayChristopher needs truth in his life due to his Autism and Aspergers Syndrome. The reason for this is because he cant tell if anyone is lying or telling a joke and this world is very confusing to him. He is not either an optimistic person as he judges how the days will be due to the colors of cars. Moreover, Christopher needs the truth due to the cause that he is trying to solve a murder mystery and if he does not get important or major facts of the murder then his investigation will be a fail and he wont be able to proceed. Even though Christopher is a boy always willing to know the truth he doesnt have the courage at times to tell the whole truth in which he states are white lies. This shows that Christopher has an idea of what he is doing most of the time and can be truthful but not quite at times. Wellington, who is the next door neighbors dog died and Christopher had discovered it. Christopher, who is illiterate of simple things picked up the dog and got himself into trouble. This is when his mind gives him the urge to solve the murder mystery about this dog Wellington which is mainly what the book is about. Christopher reveals the truth about Wellington and discovers that his own dad had murdered the dog. Lies, lack of trust and betrayal enter these two characters and Christophers life turns upside down for the journey of truth and faith. Christopher then finds the truth about his mother and for the first time his emotions start to really come out. He becomes dizzy and confused with this tragic moment and he visualizes his mothers handwriting everywhere. He did not even mind when his father touched him but normally he screams or used physical violence. The moment Christopher finds out that his mum did not die from a heart attack; he hated his dad for all he could imagine. There is a twist in the story after these moments and the intent in Christophers mind now in to look for and find his mum. Sympathy is shown to Christopher by the sorrowfulness depicted for him but the hatred shown to his dad. In conclusion, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a great and indefinable story which gives you a describable way that the reader can understand how a 15 year old boy who suffers from Aspergers Syndrome thinks daily and his special needs. This is a story has everything in it; from happiness, trust and joy to the dark depths of betrayal, hatred and deceitful tales. This book has taught me how life is hard, how one suffers ad how simple things for us are complicated to an Autistic 15 year old boy. In the events that have occurred in the story; they have enlightened me about what an advantage normal people have then one that is Autistic or suffers from Aspergers Syndrome. Overall, I think that Mark Haddon has produced a story like no other including both sorrow and happiness into one book that touches your heart.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ecuador essays

Ecuador essays Ecuador, South Americas second smallest country, is regarded as one of the most geographically and ethnically diverse countries on the continent. This culture-rich country is largely uncharted, making it an exciting and adventurous place to visit. Simply learning about this country is a remarkable experience. The first civilized culture to arrive in Ecuador was the Incas. In 1532, the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro landed on the coast and had gained power over the area within two years. Ecuador received its independence from Spain in the 1820s and became its own country in 1830. Ever since, small rivalries have appeared in the country as well as several border controversies with Peru. In the 1970s, the present constitution was put into effect as well as a new ruling system. Despite a still corrupt political system, the economy began to strengthen. As of January 22, 2000, attempts were being made to replace Ecuadorian sucres with United States dollars. Ecuador is located in the northwest corner of South America. The equator runs across the country, a fact that gives Ecuador its name. The country is so geographically diverse that the climates can range from 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Ecuadors land makeup is truly a wonder. The geography of Ecuador can be split into four regions: the Andes, the Amazon, the Coast, and the Galapagos Islands. The Andes, a mountain range that spans the entire length of South America, runs through the center of Ecuador and consists of one of the worlds tallest volcanoes, Cotopaxi. Because of its year round ideal climate, the mountains are popular to travelers at all times of the year. The Amazon is located to the east of the Andes and covers over half the country. Here you will find most of Ecuadors indigenous people. To the west of the Andes is the Coast, which is a three hundred mile stretch of beautiful oceanfront. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Impact of Social Media in Our Daily Lives

The Impact of Social Media in Our Daily Lives What Is Social Media? Social media is an electronic tool that serves to connect people remotely at their convenience. Some of the versions of this tool are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, among others. MEDIA INFLUENCE FEMALE PERCEPTION OF THE BODY IMAGE. AGREE OR DISAGREE? There are several reasons why social media is important in our everyday life as outlined herein: Reason 1.  It helps people connect with their friends and make some new ones as well. Reason 2.  It helps people share what they are doing or details on where they are with the rest of the world. Reason 3.  It is also an avenue where you can order social media essay online or buy social media essay as well. What Social Media Are the Most Popular? Pinterest The importance of images on the web cannot be overemphasized and that is why Pinterest continues to gain praise as the only platform that has attracted the highest number of unique visits on a monthly basis. It makes use of the pinboard-style which is quite enticing and can be used to collect best images. Pinterest is also infiltrating the shopping market even as retailers take to using it. WhatsApp This tool has become one of the most popular platforms for instant messaging and can either work with data or internet connection to send or receive messages. Other than that, you can send voice messages, photos, and videos too. WhatsApp comes with customized features as well such as notification sounds, profiles, and wallpapers. Better still, you can allow it to connect to the address book on your phone for all your contacts to be transferred to it. Facebook This is the most popular social network on the internet with a record number of active users and those who take the time to log in on a daily basis. Just after WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger is the second most popular app in the world, used for messaging. You should also expect the dominance of Facebook to continue in future after its acquisition of Whatsapp. Twitter If you need access to instant news, then, twitter should be your number one choice. Twitter is a microblogging network that allows you to share different kinds of multimedia content through tweets. Many individuals continue to use it throughout the world as they enjoy the aspect of unfiltered feed. It is simply the best platform to discover what is happening in the rest of the world instantly. How Social Media Influence Us Social media has both positive and negative influence on individuals. The Good Immediate access to information Twitter delivers instant details on what is happening around you and the rest of the world from various sources hence, it is impossible to miss a thing. A level playing field for business Previously, for your business to be known you had to invest heavily in advertisements. Contrary to that, nowadays businesses can speak to the world through social media, which is a better option. The Bad Talk without action Though social media is an invaluable communication tool, today we see hashtag conversations that cause people to vent on these platforms but no action is taken in the end. Hiding behind anonymity It goes without saying that many are using social media to hide their identities for mischievous reasons. Hence, habitual pranksters and trolls have found a haven on this platform. VIOLENCE IN THE MEDIA CAUSES VIOLENCE IN CHILDREN Where Will Social Media Be in 10 Years? It is true that in the coming days you should expect a revolution in the world of social media. Some of the things to expect are that businesses will be keen to align their strategies in accordance with social media trends. The other thing that businesses will do is train their call center, staff. That will be in line with responding to Twitter, WhatsApp, and Messenger questions directly sent from clients. This will ensure prompt responses and better customer service for enhanced productivity. Social media is already part of our lives and we need to embrace it. However, it is important to set boundaries on the extent to which we should allow it to control our lives. If you need a social media essay, feel free to place an order. We can help you with writing any type of academic paper. Focus on something more important than a  college degree.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis of LivingWell Inc. Strategic Approach to Environmental Essay

Analysis of LivingWell Inc. Strategic Approach to Environmental Factors - Essay Example This essay evaluates the alternative or additional strategic options available for adaptation to ensure surviving and thriving of the LivingWell Inc. company in to the next decade. The researcher states that in today’s intensely competitive world, organisations are increasingly pressured to achieve targets and goals with limited and scarce economic resources. Effective deployment of organisational strategy directs the scare resources and efforts towards a charted course, eliminating waste arising from lack of direction. In crafting organisational strategies, the impinging internal and external environment factors needs to be analysed. The researcher of this essay aims to analyse the strategic approach taken by LivingWell Inc., in responding to the environmental factors influencing the industry. In conclusion, it can be noted that LivingWell has responded to business conditions prevailing and anticipated, through a mixture of corporate, business and functional level strategies. The company with its strong financial backing is in a strong position to benefit from attractive industry opportunities. The Health, Fitness and Leisure industry is still at its developing stages across the world and there is significant for growth. The researcher concluds his analysis and states that the company should continue with those strategies, which are proven effective while considering the deployment of alternative strategic options to retain and develop its competitive positioning in the industry.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Coaching Through Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Coaching Through Change - Essay Example Is this undergraduate undertakes this program, he or she will be in a position to be empowered to engage in broad thinking, global management and strategic competition. The undergraduate will be in a position to collaborate with other accomplished leader to acquire the insights of the industry and other global perspectives to lead the organization that they will undertake. To show their success, the undergraduate undertaking this program will be in a position to enhance their ability and improve the performance of the firm by analyzing and recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the firm. The individual will also be in a position to set the required direction for their business and understand the competitive forces capable of distinguishing the profitable institutions. To be successful and reach his goal, the undergraduate will also be in a position to transform their operational capabilities into their competitive advantage. With so doing, the undergraduate is in a position to move the organizations that they will be employed to another

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tort Reform Essay Example for Free

Tort Reform Essay Tort Reform As with most debates fought in the popular press, there is some truth on both sides. At the center of this controversy is the way the legal system handles disputes or torts. A tort by definition is not just actions resulting in physical injury. Slander, fraud, and trespass are also torts. However, most of the argument on tort reform, concerns cases involving physical injury, medical malpractice and product liability. America is the most sue happy society in the world. We take our private problems to court more readily than the people of any other country. I do not agree with the article, Corp Reform-Not Tort Reform. Indeed Tort Reform is essential. The impact of tort claims is gargantuan, in retrospect to other types of lawsuits. Many of these costs are absorbed by corporations. On the front end, the corporation may pay the damages awarded; but, on the back end, the bill is absorbed by stockholders, taxpayers and consumers. These individuals pay in the form of reduced share prices, increased administrative costs and higher prices for goods and services. The second reason why we need tort reform is because a tort claim is the type of lawsuit most likely to give rise to frivolous accusations. We need to see reform by obtaining more structure in punitive damages. Punitive damages should be reserved for those who truly deserve to be punished. A plaintiff should be required to show clear and convincing evidence, that harm was suffered because actual malice rather than by mere simple evidence. Punitive damages should be only awarded once; it is wrong punish a corporation twice for the same tort. There must be some incentive for true injured parties with legitimate claims to pursue them in court. The problem with our legal system is that there is no incentive not to bring a claim, even as frivolous as can be. It prevents even victorious party from being rewarded since legal fees can eat up a huge percentage of any amounts won in court. The American way can also discourage a plaintiff with a legitimate grievance from filing a lawsuit. This is because funds recovered by the victim will be consumed by the costs of his attorneys fees. When the expected legal costs are greater than the amount of the claim, the plaintiff may decide not to sue. Second, it means that someone who has done nothing wrong often ends up paying for someone elses choice to use the court system to litigate a grievance. From the moment a case is filed, the defendant begins to calculating the relative cost of going to court versus settlement, in the scenario even a innocent defendant often decide to settle to avoid legal fees and bad publicity. Adapting a loser pays rule would discourage frivolous lawsuits and promote the early settlement of meritorious ones. In conclusion, I am not surprised by the McDonald coffee case. It simply proves my point. State officials should enact its own reforms to fill in any gaps left by the federal efforts at tort reform and intact reasonable limitations on noneconomic as well as punitive damages and amendment on rules of joint and several liabilities. We need to join the rest of the western world in recognizing the disadvantages of the American way of filing suit and the problems it has caused the economy, the tort system, and the delivery of civil justice.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Separate Peace Essay: Boys to Men :: A Separate Peace Essays

A Separate Peace: Boys to Men World War II influenced the boys in the novel A Separate Peace, written by John Knowles, by making them grow and mature more quickly than they would have had there not been a war. The war makes some boys stronger and more ready for whatever life would bring, while in others it disables them to the point that they cannot handle the demands of life. The maturing influence of the war on Finny is a considerable one, even though it does not seem to the other boys that he is growing up at all. Gene's jealousy leads him to the point where he has to destroy Finny's greatest asset, his skill in sports, just so that he does not have to be the "popular guy's friend.† Gene knocks Finny off the tree limb and he breaks his leg. Everyone at Devon, except for Finny, suspects that Gene, and not Finny’s loss of balance, caused him to fall off the branch. Finny's outlook on the whole situation is very grown up. He does not blame anyone but himself, even though the accident is not his fault at all. Finny seems as though he will never grow up; his immaturity is shown through his silly denial of the war's existence and his habit of always coming up with strange things to do just for fun. Inside he is suffering with the anger and hurt of being excluded from the one thing that he wants to do most: fight in the war. This is an excellent example of how the war suddenly makes the boys grow up into men. They have to face adulthood, and in order to do that, they have to become adults. ***I think you could develop this more. You say that Finny began as immature, but his reaction to his accident is very grown up. Discuss specifically how the accident has made him become an adult. Why did he not react immaturely this time? Another boy in the story who was matured by the war was Leper. When he sees the movies about the ski troops, he thinks that it looks fun and he surprises everyone by enlisting. Leper does not quite know what he is getting into when he enlists. He thinks that it looks like a fun ski trip; he can serve his country and ski around the world at the same time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Measuring and Managing Process Performance

Takeaway Sad Chapters Management Accounting Information for Activity and Process Decisions After reading this chapter, you will be able to: 1) define sunk costs and explain why sunk costs are not relevant. 2) analyze make-or-buy decisions. 3) demonstrate the Influence of qualitative factors In making decisions. 4) compare the different types of faculties layouts. 5) expelled the theory of constraints 6)demonstrate the value of Just- In-time manufacturing systems, 7)describe the concept of the cost of quality. ) calculate the cost savings resulting from reductions In Inventories,reduction In reduction cycle time,production yields improvement, and reductions in rework and defect rates. 2 Short Case For 50 years,the Tabor Toy Company had been producing high-quality plastic toys for children. In early 2006,Tabor experienced a large drop In sales and market share, After some Investigations,TLS loss was attributed to a significant decreases In the quality of the product and to general dela ys In getting It to customers.After several weeks tot study,Don and a cross-functional team tot management personnel documented and numerous shop floor problems. Don Pipeline,senior managers report to top management raised several questions. . Should many of the existing machines,including the major unaccommodating machine must be replaced. 2. What should the company do about the local vendor who produced the faulty computer chips? 3. WSDL It make sense to Implement an entirely new production process such as SIT? This chapter presents three types of facility designs(l) Process layouts?2)product layouts,and manufacturing-all it which can be used to help organizations reduce costs. We follow this with a discussion of how organizations can reduce costs by ensuring that they focus on improving the quality of their processes. Finally the SIT manufacturing system is presented as a system that integrates many of the ideas we discuss in the chapter. 1 ? ±valuation Financial Implications(p . 208) Managers must evaluate the financial implications tot decisions that require trade- offs between the costs and the benefits of different alternatives.Equally important,they must recognize that some costs and revenues are not relevant in such evaluations. 4)Assuming Responsibility for Decisions On a technical level,the correct decision for Bonnier Company is to dispose of the machine and replace it;however,because they are concerned about their reputations within their own organizations,not all managers would do so. 8 3 Make or Buy Decisions Management accountants often supply information about relevant costs and revenues to help managers make special one-time decisions. One example is a make- or-buy decisions.As managers attempt to reduce costs and increase the competitiveness of their products, they face decisions about whether their companies should manufacture some parts and components for their products in- house or subcontract with another company to supply these parts a nd components. Exhibit 5-3 displays details of the two lowest equates from outside suppliers for a representative lamp in each of the four product lines manufactured in-house. The should accept the outside bid and terminate the in-house production of these product? 9 Exhibit 5-3 Somers motors,Len.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dr. Lindsay

The aims of this essay are to analyze Dr. Lindsay’s case study and to identify: (1) the educational roles that Dr. Lindsay held; (2) education, skills, requirements and settings for each type of role; and (3) what Dr. Lindsay could have done to be more successful in these settings. Throughout her life career, Dr. Lindsay held a variety of educational roles in different settings. These roles and settings can be generally grouped into three broad categories: (1) teaching in academia; (2) teaching in healthcare settings; and (3) delivering on-the-job education and training. The first educational role Dr. Lindsay held was to educate the employees of an agricultural company about chemical hazards and blood-borne pathogens. This type of job can classified as on-the-job education and training. While Dr. Lindsay possessed necessary qualifications and had good command of the information she had to deliver, she lacked skills in conveying this information and formulating effective teaching methodology. In order to be more successful in settings like those, one should be able to identify and adjust to audience’s diverse learning needs. It is also of paramount importance to assess audience’s readiness to learn prior to the commencement of the course. Since different learning needs dictate different learning style, each part of the audience should be presented with information in an engaging way that is relevant to their background, experience, and expectations from the learning process. Dr. Lindsay was able to make useful conclusions from the feedback she received, and effective organization of evaluation process as well as implementation of its results are two powerful tools of improving nursing education (Gaberson & Oermann, 2005; O'Connor, 2006). The second educational role Dr. Lindsay asserted was in academia, as allied health coordinator and nursing instructor at Wheatland Community College. In those settings, a prerequisite to success is the combination of organizational skills with deep knowledge of the scholarship of teaching. Dr. Lindsay felts that her qualifications were insufficient and decided to pursue a Master degree in nursing education. She successfully underwent all the three phases of reflective self-study, namely assessment, implementation, and dissemination (Drevdahl et. al., 2002). The next educational role Dr. Lindsay held was associated with delivering a course for nurses working in nursing homes. It was more practice-oriented yet still rested within the field of academia. While Dr. Lindsay’s qualifications were sufficient enough to teach it at an appropriate level, she had little autonomy to redesign the course with a view to making it more effective, since it was created by the state and had to follow specified curriculum and teaching guidelines. In order to be more successful in the settings like those, one should either pressure the superiors to reconsider the structure and content of the course — since, as Iwasiw (2005) argues, effective curriculum design is what makes nursing educational relevant to students — or combine the presentation of the formal content with experimenting with teaching methods and styles. As Stull & Lantz (2005) argue, effective nursing scholarship encompasses independent research into different teaching methods and techniques as well as keeping up to date with the development of the body of scientific knowledge on the subject of nursing. The next educational role of Dr. Lindsay was teaching staff development classes as a staff educator. In those settings, she turned out to lack administrative skills rather than educational qualifications. A good educator should be able to organize the learning process effectively both from academic and technical side. The next role Dr. Lindsay asserted was the one in healthcare settings as a nurse educator in a local WIC clinic. Despite her abundant experience and expertise in nursing education, she failed to identify learning needs of her diverse audiences, ranging from mothers who didn’t know how to make formula to the certified staff physicians. It was also excessive administrative workload that prevented her from succeeding in this position. Under that scenario, the most feasible way of solving the crisis would have been to delegate some part of her responsibilities to subordinates and focus on her core functions as a nurse educator. In the position of a nurse instructor at Carmel College Dr. Lindsay had to act as a clinical instructor, lecturer, and with a member of the committee that assessed the whole nursing program. However, in the position like this Dr. Lindsay had to acquire some additional technical qualifications, like HTML use. In addition, she had to grapple with problems of ethical character, like student plagiarizing papers. Another Dr. Lindsay’s position in academia was an assistant professor at Western State College. This position implied not only mastering her teaching techniques and effectively addressing diverse learning needs of the college attendees but also academic work like research and publishing. In other words, she had to posses not only ‘Scholarship of Practice’ and ‘Scholarship of Teaching’ but also ‘Scholarship of Discovery’ and ‘Scholarship of Integration’ (AACN, 1999). However, in order to master all these skills at a more quality level, there are certain practical steps to be taken. As Pape (2000) suggests, Scholarship of Practice can be mastered by attending seminars, workshops, and professional meetings; Scholarship of Teaching can be enhanced by community teaching; Scholarship of Discovery’ can be developed by quality improvement efforts; and Scholarship of Integration can be advanced by multidisciplinary work. And these are only singular examples of the methods that can be employed to mater these skills. Since developing research skills are a requirement for such a position, she had to pursue her PhD degree. As an associate professor at Champion University, Dr. Lindsay took a different approach to teaching, since she was working with graduate students whom she perceived as her colleagues. At Champion University, she also engaged in mentoring, which required mastering her interpersonal skills along with her academic scholarship. References AACN. (March 1999). Position  statement  on defining scholarship for the discipline of nursing. Retrieved October 3, 2007, from Drevdahl, D.J., Stackman, R.W., Purdy, J.M., ; Louie, B.Y. (September 2002). Merging reflective inquiry and self-study as a framework for enhancing the scholarship of teaching. Journal of Nursing Education 41(9): 413-420. Gaberson, K.B., ; Oermann, M.H. (2005). Evaluation And Testing in Nursing Education, 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Iwasiw, C. (2005). Curriculum Development in Nursing Education. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. O'Connor, A.B. (2006). Clinical Instruction And Evaluation: A Teaching Resource. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Pape, T. (2000). Boyer’s model of scholarly nursing applied to professional development. AORN Journal 71:   995, 997–999, 1001, 1003. Stull, A., & Lantz, C. (2005). An innovative model for nursing scholarship. Journal of Nursing Education 44(11): 493–497.   

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Metal Detectors essays

Metal Detectors essays On Feburary 2nd, 1996, two students and one teacher were killed when 14-year-old Barry Loukaitis brutally opened fire on his algebra class. In March of 1996, sixteen children and on teacher were killed at Dunblane Primary School; ten others were wounded in the vicious attack. Fast forward to 1997, where thirteen students were killed and another fourteen were wounded in grand total of five school shootings. The following year the number of school shootings increased by one, bringing to the total school shootings in 1998 to a total of six. In 1999, the number of school shootings surged to a total of seven with the number of students killed doubling that of the past year. (A Timeline of Recent School Shootings) Notice a trend? These staggering numbers of both killed and wounded students and faculty members could have easily been prevented had metal detectors been installed into each of these thirty-nine schools. 108 students and faculty members alike were killed in thirty-nine school shootings spanning from 1996 to the present. (A Timeline of Recent School Shootings) These numbers do not include the countless innocent others wounded during these devilish rampages. Life is a priceless thing and the death of each of those students did not have to occur, nor will another school shooting occur in the future, if metal detectors were installed in every school in our nation. 2 With the above information now knowledge, how could you ever oppose the idea of metal detectors being installed in every school in our nation to ensure safety? No parent should ever have to endure the nightmare of watching his or her child leave for school in the morning, only to be pronounced dead by end of the day. Worrying about your childs safety during school hours should even be an option and with the simple installatio ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

ACT Science Practice Tests What to Use and What to Avoid

ACT Science Practice Tests What to Use and What to Avoid SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Whichever way you choose to prepare for ACT Science - whether with a private tutor, class, online program or on your own - you need to make sure you are using high-quality practice ACT Science tests.Because ACT Science is unique, any old science study material won't cut it.To learnabout how different ACT Science is from any other science test, readthe big secret of ACT Science. In this guide, I'll tell you where to find all of the official ACT Science practice tests available: severalare free!Also, I'll provide tips on how to use these ACT Science practice tests improve your score. Additionally, I'll talk about some of the ACT Science practice materials you should avoid and why you shouldn't use them. I draw my conclusions from my years of experience tutoring students for ACT Science and from my own practice for the ACT Science test. Free Full-Length ACT Science Practice Tests These ACT Science practice tests are all free. They're all official resources and made by the ACT makers themselves. Official practice tests are the absolute best resource to use when studying, and I've listedall of them here in one place for your convenience. ACT Science Free Online Sample Test This test format can be a little difficult to use, but it's freeand online.Click on each passage on the left, and click the answer choice to see the answer response.To keep the timing realistic (35 minutes total or five minutes per passage), I recommend that you work on the answers on paper, and then check your answersone by one in your web browser AFTER you have finished the entire test. Official ACT PDFs These are PDFs of complete ACT practice exams. The pages of the Science section are indicated below. ACT Practice Test 2018-2019 (Form 74F)- Page 40-41; Answers p59-60. ACT Practice Test 2015-2016 (Form 72C)- Page 40-51; Answers p58-60. ACT Practice Test 2014-15 (Form 67C)- Page 40-51; Answers p57-60. ACT Practice Test 20-12 (Form 64E)- Page 43-55; Answers p62-65. ACT Practice Test 2008-09 (Form 61C)- Page 42-55; Answers p62-65. ACT Practice Test 2005-06 (Form 59F)- Page 42-55; Answers p62-65. Notice a few years missing?That's because the ACT duplicates the same test in different years.For example, the 2013-14 test is identical to the 2014-15 test. I've included the Form ID with each test so that you can confirm it for yourself (you can see this in the bottom left of each page on the test). Paid ACT Science Practice Tests If you're looking for even more practice ACT Science tests beyond those listed above, below are two more resources to look into. Neither of these of free, but they're still official resources worth spending money on if you want more practice. The Official ACT Prep Guide The book was produced by the makers of the ACT and has five unique full-length ACT practice tests, plus additional practice questions.Costing about $20, this book is the best book for realistic practice tests. Don't even look at Kaplan or Princeton Review for practice tests- their quality is far inferior to the tests put out by the ACT. ACT Online Program Costing $25, this online program includes two extra full-length ACT practice tests.The online prep material is not good - just buy this for the tests, if you need it.Next, I will tell you how to put all of this ACT Science study material to the best use. How to Use ACT Science Practice Tests In this portion, I'll be summarizing our guide tothe best way to study and practice for ACT Science.I highly recommend you read that article for more in-depth information.When using your real ACT Science practice tests, make sure to keep the following instructions in mind. #1:Take the Science Section in One Sitting Come on! The ACT Science sectionis only 35 minutes.You need to set aside that time to sit for the ACT Science, and you should aim to take at least five ACT Science practice tests. Because the ACT Science section is so rushed (52.5 seconds per question), the first few practice tests you take will just be helping you adjust to the pace. Myscores on my first two to three ACT Science practice tests were five points lower than my final score because I needed to adjust to the speed and strategy. You need the extra two to three to solidify your pace and understanding of the strategy. While sitting for the 35-minute section is good practice, it is even better, if you can find the time, to take the entire ACT all at once.The ACT is a four-hour-long marathon, and you will need to practice to build up endurance.Science is the last section of the test!Practicing taking the whole test will better prepare you for the Science section because it will show you what it takes to power through.Sitting for one 35-minute section, without experiencing the 3.5 hours before it, is not as helpful to your practice and improvement.I recommend sitting for at least two full-length practice tests (four hours each) before you take your official ACT. #2: Pay Attention to the Time If you find yourself struggling to finish the ACT Science in 35 minutes, try to watch your pace on each passage and keep yourself to a strict five minute per passage pace.Learn more about this and other ACT Science strategies in our guidetotime management and section strategy for ACT Science. #3: Double-Check Your Answers After finishing an ACT Science practice test, REVIEW your answers.This is the most important part of your process.Review every mistake you made and every question that you guessed on but got right.If you do not review your mistakes, you will not improve;spend at least 15-20 minutes each ACT Science practice test you take. Read our guide tothe best way to study for ACT Science and the reasons you miss ACT Science questions for help with your review process. I’d rather you take fewer ACT Science Practice tests and spend more time reviewing.Again, without review, you will not improve. #4: Consider Using a Prep Program Supplement your ACT Science practice test with a prep program if you don’t see improvement.While some people will see vast improvement simply from reviewing their mistakes and practicing the test format, others need more guidance on strategy to improve on their weak points.Check out PrepScholar’s program; we do just that.We figure out your strengths and weaknesses and select personalizedmaterials to help you work on your weaknesses and improve your score. ACT Science Practice Materials You Should AVOID and Why Unfortunately, not all ACT Science practice tests are high quality. Below are four practice tests you should avoid like the plague. They won't help you with the test, and they may actually hurt your score by causing you to study the wrong topics and question types. Varsity Tutors - Free ACT Science Practice Tests The material provided to answer questions is much shorter than actual ACT Science Passages.They provide few visuals, and those they do provide are hard to read.Rather than setting up proper tables, they just try to align the material into vague columns and rows.This seems ridiculous when the MAJORITY of the ACT Science questions ask you to read visuals for information.The timing does not match the ACT Science test timing (35 minutes total/five minutes per passage) at all.This material is a waste of your time; do not bother with it. ACT Example Practice Tests Website - Free This material provided is not even set up as passages.The questions are just asked at random with random tables thrown in on occasion.This material is nothing like real ACT Science tests, soAVOID it like the plague. McGraw-Hill Free Online Practice and McGraw-Hill 's 10 ACT Practice Tests, Second Edition I am reviewing both together because they are from the same company and have the same issues.The tests mimic the format of the ACT Science test really well.The tests set up seven passages just like the real test, and each passage has the appropriate number of questions. HOWEVER, the questions are very different.On the actual ACT Science test, you should be able to answer most questions using the visuals alone.Read more about this strategy in our other article on the three types of ACT Science passages.On McGraw-Hill’s tests, you need to use the entire passage to answer most questions.Also, the visuals are not as difficult as the visuals on the actual ACT Science test.Avoid this material because,while it may seem like the ACT Science test, looks can be deceiving and waste your time. What’s Next? In order to get the most out ofyour ACT Science practice tests,learnthe best way to study and practice for ACT Scienceand the nine reasons you miss ACT Science questions. Also, for more background on the ACT Science test and strategies, read aboutthe three types of ACT Science passagesandthe big secret of ACT Science. Ready for some tougher practice questions?Check out our guide to the hardest questions on ACT Science and exactly how you should solve them. Like this article? Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Sciencelesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Concept Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Concept - Term Paper Example As a result of an emerging need for real time transfer of money between people, Money-Air identifies a business opportunity. Consequently, it is developing a product that will use mobile phones as a medium of transferring money from one individual to the other (Schaeffer, 2008). Money-Air has given this problem solving product the name Instant-money. This product is geared towards covering all individuals with mobile phones. Consequently, the customer base is broad and has the potential to expand (Blackwell, 2008). As stated above, instant-money is a product that has its bases on information technology. Mobile phones are platforms that instant-money is used in order to effect its intentions. Therefore, instant-money has enjoyed a potentially big market for almost nearly all adults in the United States of America possess a mobile phone (Barrow & Barrow, 2012). The formulation of this product was intrigued by the need to transfer money between individuals with ease and faster. Instant-money is of importance especially when an individual in dire need of quick money from another person. Consequently, the product is based on real time processing. Therefore, customers make cash transfers in considerably very little time. That notwithstanding, instant-money has a greater competitive advantage as compared to its competitor. Competitors, use a rather time consuming way of transferring money (Blackwell, 2008). As a result, most people prefer products like instant-money since they are fast and can easy to use from whatever place. For every product to thrive in the market, target customers are supposed to identify with the product. Therefore, instant-money targets individuals with little money and depend on cash from others (Barrow & Barrow, 2012). Since there are a lot of emergency situations that need quick money, people prefer instant-money due

Friday, November 1, 2019

Article and videos write ups for lessons 1 and 2 Assignment - 1

Article and videos write ups for lessons 1 and 2 - Assignment Example This article describes the humanoid evolutionary course in terms of awareness. The antiquity of the thinker is told â€Å"as if† it might be condensed to a four-act piece. If the symbol of a sequence of acts looks boring or that the advent to excellence of the human brain is too solid, then the production is an enjoyable surprise. Before Darwin, numerous scholars penned about the ancestries of man as well as the commencements of mental life. Such literatures, however, were forthrightly speculative since there were few concurred-upon evidences. There as no comprehensive hypothetical frame in which to place facts and beliefs. The article articulates that, in addition, he inspired scholars of biology and anthropological behaviour to and construe data applicable to the definite, as opposed to the fictional, "prehistory" of the human brain and man (Erickson and Liam 80). The word fieldwork is an interesting term to use to describe what an anthropologist needs to do since it embraces natural sciences and laboratory. Mostly it is about talking and observing conversations and talking to individuals as well as taking them what they think. It also encompasses doing things with other people. The video entails doing research work on three field sites, which include: The constant theme in the video resonates around the ideologies of Cultural Anthropology as a collective science that explores the way people comprehend as well as their worldly actions. The context of the short film features three associates of MITs Anthropology Division, Stefan, Erica, and Heather ho discuss their current effort and the procedure of doing fieldwork. This video involves Frans de Waal’s lecture on the moral behavior of animals. Empathy, collaboration, equality and reciprocity, which is caring about the happiness of others appears like a very human mannerism. However, Frans shares some astonishing videos of interactive tests on primates and other living things that display how several

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Building a Power Base in a New Organization Case Study

Building a Power Base in a New Organization - Case Study Example Hence it is important realize that the first few months of transfer is critical in building a power base in order to accomplish the leadership role and changes that you want to achieve and realize your personal and professional goals (Houston, 2008). According to Paula Brynion (2004), power is one’s capability to influence others. The nursing industry must recognize that constructing a power base is a vital force in controlling one’s vocation and place in an organization. Brynion furthers states that the capacity to identify and connect the enthusiasm and prospect of nursing is imperative in building a positive perception of and using power. Hence, a list of strategies in building a power base is listed and expounded in this paper. 1. Be professional and act as a team player. Since you are a new nameless subject in the group, you must present yourself in a package that would leave a positive mark to your coworkers. Uphold an aura of professionalism and competence by goi ng to work early and well-groomed. Be conscious of how you talk with others and try to be tactful and confident especially when dealing with head nurses and doctors. Maintaining composure even under times of stress will leave them a good impression of you. It is also necessary to work harder, volunteer for extra shifts and readily help colleagues to contribute more to the community. Involve yourself in meetings, extra assignments and accept these tasks with an open mind. Eventually, perseverance and professionalism can take you greater heights and everyone will associate your name with respect and credibility (Daly, Speedy and Jackson, 2003). 2. Learn the rules. Building a power base command for socialization and determination of the key people of power in the company. Understanding the â€Å"unspoken rules† in an organization is critical in blending in with your new surroundings, will provide you with a broader vision of the organization and get a better sense of how it func tions. It is essential for any newcomer to recognize the culture and values of the institution in order to have an awareness of the do’s and don’ts in the workplace. The information achieved through these details can benefit you by gaining entrance into important networks in the system (Carter, 2007). 3. Increase expert power. Given that you have been a registered nurse for five years from a previous hospital, it is expected that proper training and experience are already at hand. However, continuous gaining of knowledge, expertise and skills are still needed to increase expert power. New challenges arise every day that can help increase not only your skill level but your maturity as well. Moreover, taking up specialty certifications and advanced studies upsurges your power base because of new knowledge gained. Open positions for higher ranks may specifically require certain capabilities so you need to seize those opportunities by gaining expert power as much as you ca n (Yoder-Wise, 2011). 4. Search for mentors and form alliances with other professionals. Associate yourself with positive role models that imitate nursing excellence and behave accordingly. Coworkers who show commitment to extensive learning and love for their jobs are more likely to emulate optimistic approach in making a difference in the nursing industry. These kinds of people can be of great influence to you since mentoring is an active process that can help build a power base.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

An Analysis Of To His Coy Mistress English Literature Essay

An Analysis Of To His Coy Mistress English Literature Essay In the poem To His Coy Mistress the speaker carefully tells a subtle and valid argument as to why the woman or his addressee should be sexually attracted to him. The man attempts this sexual proposition through flair in manipulating reason, form and imagery like the vegetable garden. The reasoning would be familiar someone who studied somewhere renaissance England, as it is suggests of a sort of classical philosophical logic; the others are entailing a statement, a counter-statement and a resolution. In line with this method the authors speaker coded his argument in a classical imagery. The first section runs from lines 1 to 20, here the man sets out his view that if Had we but world enough, and time he would not rush the process of finding love and respect. The man establishes a sort of world unconfined by space and time by using the world he had to create the subjunctive tense. This passage of the poem is highly paradoxical however the man is aware that this is purely a hypothetical state before he even begins speaks the words, he cleverly lays out his point of view knowing the impossibility of his announcement. The man aims not only to smooth talk but also to impress the mistress using vivid imagery. To Flatter, but also to amaze her with his knowledge of Asia, the speaker refers to the Ganges and the Humber Rivers to emphasize the distance he would allegedly endure without her if time permitted. The exotic imagery of Asia is in line about British trade and exploration in the region. It also provided an escape from the relatively weak image of everyday life in En gland at the time even if the image of the Far East was unrealistic. This is how he dealt with the idea of space. To confront the concept of time, he uses biblical references to mark the permanent nature of reality. By using a story out of the Old Testament the image of the great flood that purged the earth as a start point and then used the image that Armageddon will ultimately occur at the conversion of the Jews as an end point, the man tries to show the vastness of predicted human existence. At the same time however he subtly hints toward the second more nihilistic section of the poem. If you look at this imagery it is interesting in two respects; first it suggests that physical human life has been ended by God and will be ended by him again. Thus providing a backdrop for the speakers argument that in reality life is temperamental and therefore procreation should not be delayed at the expense of morality. The image is interesting in a second way as it may be Marvells way, as a Puritan, of condemning the speakers attitude, suggesting that the speaker may be punished for sinfully trying to indu lge in base luxury. The speaker goes on to describe his vegetable love, many possible interpretations can be applied to this image. Firstly there is the sexual connotation whereby the vegetable operates as a phallic image, acting as a prelude to the speakers suggestions. As The Norton Anthology of Poetry suggests in the footnote, the vegetable symbolizes a slow unconscious growth of love, emphasizing the sincerity and power of his feelings as they grow vaster than empires. However the irony here lies in the fact that the speaker fully understands that he does not have time to spare and thus his love has developed quickly, consciously and almost forcibly. To finish the first section the speaker begins assigning years of devotion to each part of the mistresses body. It is notable a significant time is spent admiring her breasts, which seems to be a sexually motivated act as opposed to the shorter length of time spent on her eyes, which are often more associated with true love. The hyperbolic statements increase in unrealism to an incomprehensible age to every part; it seems that the speaker is being generous in his admiration but he is cognizant of the lack of weight in his words due to their unattainable status. The next section runs from lines 21 to 32, here the speaker moves away from the hypothetical to reality but retains the melodramatic language used in the previous section to sustain the tenacity of his points. Time here is portrayed as chasing the speaker as opposed to being something the speaker is in control of as in the end of the last section. This is done using the image of a winged chariot, this has classical associations with Greek mythology which relates to his form of argument. The meter of the poem is restrictively regular, this structure emphasizes the idea that time is constantly progressing; reflecting the speakers argument. Space is no longer inhabited by images of movement and life like the rivers previously mentioned but instead: before us lie / Deserts of vast eternity. The desert has strong connection with death, an issue that the man develops upon and progresses within this section. The speaker implies on lines 26-7 that the only exploration of the mistresss body that will be undertaken will be by the worms that are decomposing her body if she remains in her coy state. This thought that her sexuality should not be wasted is elaborated upon with a crude pun on line 29: And your quaint honor turn to dust These images of deterioration linked to sexuality are intended to shock persuade the mistress into not wasting her youth. The speakers sly and ironic tone is revealed to the reader in lines 31-2: The graves a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace. The tone here is clearly sarcastic; the reader enjoys these ironic statements due to the falsity and overacting involved in Marvells speaker as he tries to woo the mistress. The purpose of this second section is to provide a counter-statement to the first section. Discord has been created within the poem; the first section sets out a space where the speaker has an infinite amount of time and space to engage with the mistress, but in the second, time and life are construed as being fleeting and temperamental. This tension is intended to make the mistress feel uneasy and anxious about herself as a young single woman; prompting her to change her attitude towards courtship. To conclude the argument and disagreement between the two former opposite parts the speaker offers a resolution. The reader can easily predict what this will be as the speakers suggestive tone throughout the poem points towards sexual unification. The speakers intention is described using fantastic and abstract lexical choices and phrases. The passage is full of images and language related to movement, physicality and violence such as transpires, like amorous birds of prey and devour. The speaker asserts his masculinity in these images, implying his sexual expertise in an attempt to better his offer. The speaker energetically expresses his make the most of it mentality suggesting that as a combined force, represented in the form of a ball in this section, they will be able to tear our pleasure with rough strife / through the iron gates of life. This notion that together they can conquer life is emphasized on the last two lines where, in agreement with the classical imagery throughout the poem, the speaker admits although he cannot stop the sun together: we will make him run. The mistress is lead to believe that if she submits to her pursuer the winged chariot of time from the previous section will be reversed, with the mistress and speaker in the dominant position. Thus the speaker has concluded his logical progression, firstly operating in an unattainable hypothetical state, then switching to a morbid reality and finally concluding in copulation as a form of mastery over time. Although the reader can see faults in the reasoning employed, admiration is still felt towards the speaker for elaborately crafting his speech in his pursuit of the mistress.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Marxist Ideal Cannot Work Essay -- essays research papers

The Marxist ideal, a highly appealing, almost Utopian society, is impossible to achieve due to the fact that it demands that the human mind be almost without flaws. It asks of society and its members to be absolutely without ranks, without greed or leadership. This has been clearly impossible for society. Each step to achieving a communist establishment has been, continues to be, and will be, in actuality, a step towards the totalitarian societies of past and current so-called communist countries. Communism became popular solely in under-developed countries, contrary to Marx's beliefs as to what should happen, and its rise in these countries was the beginning of its fall. Marx believed that the only way to overthrow capitalism was to create a revolution of the proletariat and in essence this revolution carries the cause even farther away from true communism. Equality is the next issue that Marx tackled, and in the communist ideal, it is absolutely crucial. In the real world of distorted ideologies, it hovers in the background. The ultimate in communist ideologies, however, is that eventually there will be no need for government. This essay will illustrate how, as communist societies in the real world progress, nothing could be further from the truth. Currently, communism, as exercised in the few Communist countries left in the world, is far from the Marxist ideal. From its beginnings to the present day and into the future, communism has become distorted into something that would be Marx's worst nightmare. Due to "quirks" in the human mind that just can't seem to be worked out, the Marxist ideal simply cannot work. Marx's prediction was that communism would prevail in the highly industrialized countries of Western Europe. Instead, it took place in Russia, a country troubled by its corrupt head of state. By definition a Communist revolt demanded an industrialized country as its focus, where a militant and organized proletariat had had a chance to develop. The revolution of 1917, however, exploded in Czarist Russia, one of the most backward countries in Europe.i Russia in the early 20th century was mainly agricultural, rather than industrial, but through their exasperation and strong leadership, the Communists prevailed. The head of stat... ...the ideal. However, Marx underestimated the way in which the human mind works. Without a doubt, the flaws in the minds of the leaders of the communist states that have existed, and continue to exist, have ensured that this ideal will never be realized. From the very beginnings of a communist state's existence, to the revolution that brings it about, to the equality that it lacks, and the impossibility of the ultimate ideal, Marx's vision is being distorted the whole way through the process. In theory, communism is a good idea. However, it fails to anticipate the flaws of the human mind. It is a good idea that doesn't work out well in practice. i Ellis, Harry B. (1972). Ideals and Ideologies: Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism. Nelson, Foster and Scott Ltd. Pg. 31 ii Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich. (1964). The Communist Manifesto. Monthly Review Press. Pg. 25. iii Ellis, Harry B. (1972). Ideals and Ideologies: Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism. Nelson, Foster and Scott Ltd. Pg. 31 iv Ellis, Harry B. (1972). Ideals and Ideologies: Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism. Nelson, Foster and Scott Ltd. Pg. 36

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How the Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Digestive System Are Interrelated Essay

The function of the digestive system is to absorb and assimilate key nutrients which are required to maintain and regulate other systems in the body. Enzymes secreted within the digestive system have a role of breaking down food from proteins into amino acids, starch into glucose and fats into a mixture of fatty acids and glycerol. The main function of the respiratory system is to inhale oxygen and exhale the waste product carbon dioxide. Oxygen is breathed through the mouth and nostrils into the lungs. The gas then diffuses through the alveolar walls and into red blood cells (erythrocytes). Carbon dioxide carried back within red blood cells diffuses back through the alveolar walls and is exhaled out through the mouth. The cardiovascular system has a role of circulating blood around the body. The contents of blood being circulated include nutrients, gases and waste products. The main organs involved within this process are blood, arteries, veins, heart and the lungs. How cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system are interrelated when exercising! When exercising you need Glucose, oxygen and water (H2O). That’s where the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory system are used. The digestive system dissolves food which provides the water and glucose for the respiratory and cardiovascular system, the respiratory system inhales oxygen which is diffused through the alveolar walls in to the red blood cells and diffuses the carbon dioxide back through the walls to be exhaled, the red blood cells with the water, oxygen and glucose in are pumped through the bodies arteries and veins by the cardiovascular system round the body.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pepsi Lipton

BRISK ® CASE STUDY Overview Customer Profile The Pepsi-Lipton Partnership is a joint endeavor between two major brands, Pepsi-Cola North America and Unilever. This entity is responsible for the Canadian promotions of Lipton, one of the leading beverages in the global market. Business Situation The company launched an entirely new Brisk ® Ready-to-Drink Iced Tea early last year. The brand recognized the emerging presence of a new media segment and required assistance in exploring the potential of direct-client communication using Mobile and Web technology.Addictive Mobile Corp. Solution Addictive Mobile Corp. combined marketing savvy with their licensed technology to design and power a Txt 2 Win Contest campaign, â€Å"Beat the Blues with Brisk ®Ã¢â‚¬ . The promotion incorporated both web and mobile mediums to enhance customer experience. 1 Benefits Brisk ® gained the ability to offer contestants premium web and mobile content while providing an amusing, interactive and inst antaneous entry method.Coke and PepsiThis trend setting use of wireless technologies created a consumer buzz while allowing the brand to track promotional results in real-time. PROFESSIONAL SOLUTION Traditional media assisted in forming initial contest awareness with high school party announcements, beverage cooler stickers and high traffic website banners. Consumers were informed they could enter the Brisk ® contest for chances to win a grand prize and one of the weekly draws, 1001 prizes in all. Participants sent an SMS message to the short code 27475 (BRISK) to automatically opt-in to the contest.Through a wireless dialog, the consumer learned they could gain an extra ballot each time they sent the text message â€Å"PLAY† once a day. Technology integration allowed entrants to send free SMS text messages to their friends from the website, www. brisk. ca. Selected participants were sent a winning code via text message and instructed to go online for prize redemption. 2 RE SULTS AMC’s mobile technology, compatible with all mobile carriers, permitted a wireless pathway for participation in the â€Å"Beat the Blues with Brisk ®Ã¢â‚¬  contest.There was a total of 50,000 entries (two months), fully automated, including selection and prize redemption. During the promotion, a 9% spike in sales was noticed, an average of 100 new members signed up each day while website traffic increased to 1. 7 million hits. Brisk ® now has a database of over 6,000 opt-in members, indispensable market research to compare and analyze. Brand affinity was strengthened through an engaging and personal method directed towards consumer identification. All within in a two months campaign. 3 Pepsi Lipton BRISK ® CASE STUDY Overview Customer Profile The Pepsi-Lipton Partnership is a joint endeavor between two major brands, Pepsi-Cola North America and Unilever. This entity is responsible for the Canadian promotions of Lipton, one of the leading beverages in the global market. Business Situation The company launched an entirely new Brisk ® Ready-to-Drink Iced Tea early last year. The brand recognized the emerging presence of a new media segment and required assistance in exploring the potential of direct-client communication using Mobile and Web technology.Addictive Mobile Corp. Solution Addictive Mobile Corp. combined marketing savvy with their licensed technology to design and power a Txt 2 Win Contest campaign, â€Å"Beat the Blues with Brisk ®Ã¢â‚¬ . The promotion incorporated both web and mobile mediums to enhance customer experience. 1 Benefits Brisk ® gained the ability to offer contestants premium web and mobile content while providing an amusing, interactive and inst antaneous entry method.Coke and PepsiThis trend setting use of wireless technologies created a consumer buzz while allowing the brand to track promotional results in real-time. PROFESSIONAL SOLUTION Traditional media assisted in forming initial contest awareness with high school party announcements, beverage cooler stickers and high traffic website banners. Consumers were informed they could enter the Brisk ® contest for chances to win a grand prize and one of the weekly draws, 1001 prizes in all. Participants sent an SMS message to the short code 27475 (BRISK) to automatically opt-in to the contest.Through a wireless dialog, the consumer learned they could gain an extra ballot each time they sent the text message â€Å"PLAY† once a day. Technology integration allowed entrants to send free SMS text messages to their friends from the website, www. brisk. ca. Selected participants were sent a winning code via text message and instructed to go online for prize redemption. 2 RE SULTS AMC’s mobile technology, compatible with all mobile carriers, permitted a wireless pathway for participation in the â€Å"Beat the Blues with Brisk ®Ã¢â‚¬  contest.There was a total of 50,000 entries (two months), fully automated, including selection and prize redemption. During the promotion, a 9% spike in sales was noticed, an average of 100 new members signed up each day while website traffic increased to 1. 7 million hits. Brisk ® now has a database of over 6,000 opt-in members, indispensable market research to compare and analyze. Brand affinity was strengthened through an engaging and personal method directed towards consumer identification. All within in a two months campaign. 3

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Woyzeck Essays

Woyzeck Essays Woyzeck Paper Woyzeck Paper The wise saying goes, â€Å"They do not have enough money for the funeral rites; God, let not the poor persons die!† Woyzeck is based on a true story. To meet the ends of justice, a poor person was executed for stabbing his wife, Marie, to death. This incident inspired Buchner to create an artistic masterpiece in the form of a drama. But not all the characters therein, are historical figures. Great personalities leave some or the other controversies behind them. Buchner is no exception. He died in 1837 even before giving the final shape to Woyzeck, and he left behind four unpolished manuscripts, that stand as witness to his creativity â€Å"Buchner suggests that, were they not poor and downtrodden, Woyzeck and Marie might be as great as the biblical figures with which he associates them. His allusions to Christ and Mary only heighten the sense that Woyzeck and Maries shameful actions are not part of their nature but rather, products of an unjust social structure.†(Grade Saver†¦) They say, â€Å"God loves those who die young.† This seems to be true about George Buchner (1813-1837).He died at the young age of 24.He was born in the small own of Goddelau, in Hessen, Gemany. His father was a rationalist and a scientist. When he was undergoing medical training at Strasbourg in 1831, he was secretly engaged to Minna Jaegle, the daughter of a pastor. From a political activist, his interest later turned to theatre. Woyzeck was his ultimate effort, where his political philosophy, spiritual inclinations with scientific approach is mirrored. Though not a playwright by profession, he is hailed as the provider of a great source for modern drama. Buchner was far ahead of his time and what he wrote is considered as all-time great. It has the universal appeal and transcends the narrow boundaries that restrict human thinking. â€Å"He is said to have precipitated in a wide and far-reaching array of literary movements including: Naturalism, Social Realism, Psychological Irrationalism, Expressionism, and Existential Theatre. As Herbert Lindenberger phrases it, he is perhaps the only German writer before our own [20th] century who speaks directly to our time without the need of mediation. George Buchner died of an undiagnosed fever, probably typhus, at the age of 23 on February 19, 1837.(Grade Saver: Classic Note†¦)â€Å"Many scholars consider the play the first modern drama, and mark it as the catalyst for countless theatrical movements, most notably Naturalism and the modern Theatre of the Absurd. Buchners biting social commentary in the play, which stemmed from his own political disillusionment, anticipates Karl Marxs theories although it rejects the possibility of revolution or a classless utopia.†(Schmidt, 1969) Woyzeck is the work of â€Å"psychological realism.† The uncertainty, about which one is the authentic version, provides a fertile field for the scholars to argue and counter-argue. As for every detail related to the play, they have disagreements. Whether it is order of the scenes, the ending, the scholars are baffled at Buchner’s style. Each scene is structurally independent. His approach and reaction to the social conditions prevailing then is cynical.   Most of the scholars agree that the scene where the Grandmother tells her ‘black fairy tale’ as the play’s thematic keystone. As many scholars, so many varied interpretations about Buchner’s beliefs, reasoning and mental make-upHe visualizes nothing but gloom and pessimism, disillusionment and solitude, the independent scenes succeed in building a coherent whole, the scientific approach, sharp social criticism and   the bold and dispassionate approach. Each character has the purpose and the essential dignity and at the same time they compliment and contrast the protagonist’s traits etc. That the scholars agree to disagree on many issues related to the play is the hall mark of the genius. Woyzech is a tough play to produce. Ingmar Bergman succeeded in his efforts to remove the blackouts in the play, by integrating the audience. â€Å"Austrian composer Alban Berg finished his opera version of the play, Wozzeck, in 1922, and it was first performed in 1925. In order to retain Buchners disjointed, melancholic feel, Berg makes extensive use of atonality and rejects the standard forms of aria and trio in favor of abstract instrumental music. Wozzeck has since become a standard and widely performed work in the world of opera. In addition, many film versions of the play have been produced, most notably Werner Herzogs 1979 version starring Klaus Kinski and Eva Mattes, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.† (Grade Saver: Full Summary-) What does the play mean to me? Woyzeck is the same old story through the ages-the struggle between the haves and the have-nots! I see this story as the hard depiction of the atrocities of the rich on the poor. The class conflicts and the belief of the rich that they are born to rule and the economically backward deserve ill treatment! Can one expect the leader representing such a class to be full of sweet emotions? Certainly not! He is ever ready to hit back, on behalf of his class, the rich and the haughty, those who conduct the show of systematic debasement and spiritually murder the downtrodden. E. F. Schumacher, in his book â€Å"Small is beautiful† goes to the root cause of this never ending conflict between the rich and the poor. â€Å"The existence of inordinate rich people in any society today is a very great evil. Some inequalities of wealth and income are no doubt ‘natural’ and functionally justifiable. Excessive wealth, like power, tends to corrupt. Even if the rich are not ‘i dle rich,’ even when they work harder than anyone else, they work differently; apply different standards, and are set apart from common humanity. They corrupt themselves by practicing greed and they corrupt the rest of the society by provoking envy.†(Schumacher, 1977, Back Cover†¦) Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Study the attitude of the Drum Major. Even the rustic Marie, when it comes to describe the animal instincts of her latest lover, the Drum Major uses the phrases like, â€Å"He stands on his feet like a lion(scene II) and the more close and intimate description, â€Å" a chest like a bull and a beard like a lion.†(Scene VI). The street-fighter’s image in the Drum Major is showing, when he describes Marie at the first sight of her, that she is â€Å"good enough for the propagation of cavalry regiments and the breeding of drum majors!†(Scene III) He addresses her as if he is the ultimate authority on her personal life, when he calls her â€Å"You wildcat!†(Scene VI).How can a man bear his woman’s infidelity? Woyzeck is totally frustrated and in great anguish he says, Why doesnt God blow out the sun so that everything can roll around in lust, man and woman, man and beast. Theyll do it in broad day light; theyll do it on our hands, like flies. (Scene XI). Animal imagery especially surrounds Woyzeck himself, in his interactions with the characters who oppress and dehumanize him. The Captain ridicules this poor soldier with meanness about Marie’s unfaithfulness. As Woyzeck rushes our, he says, â€Å"that tall rascal takes off like the shadow before a spider.†(Scene IX).The Doctor is even more ruthless on Woyzeck. The Doctor throws a cat from his window, and when Woyzeck catches it, observes, â€Å"The fellow holds onto the beast s tenderly, like it was his own grandmother!† The so-called higher class of the society like the Captain, the Drum Major and the Doctor speaking mean language indicates the level of the morals prevailing in the society then. My approach to the play as the playwright: The important part of the play is the play- writer and his script. The characters are brought to life by the intelligent scriptwriter of the play. Whether minor or major, the characters need to speak appropriate to the occasion, and contribute to the continuity of the play. The main problem with Woyzeck has been its disjointedness. Blackouts have no place in a well-knit play. Those who addressed to this problem have successfully staged the play. The technique employed by Ingmar Bergman to keep a lively interaction between the audience and the actors of the play contribute to the success of the play. A good script can only strike the homogenous balance between the actors and the audience. Whatever is the time, whatever is the period, the two constant factors in a play are the actors (in the broad sense, they can be musicians and instrument players) in the play and the audience. It is the duty and skill of the former to keep the later pleased, as their report counts for demand of more and more repeat performances of the play. As a playwright, I have enough scenes that can be depicted with telling effect and make the audience rise on their toes. For example, unable to bear the mental torture from his superior authorities, Woyzeck becomes like the captain in a hapless shipwreck. He loses his mental balance and throws up the towel and stops thinking. Obviously his mind does not work and he is an emotional burden to himself. He gives into hallucinations. He hears the ground whispering,† stab stab the bitch to death? Stab stab the bitch to death. Do I hear it over there, is the wind saying it too? It goes on and on stab her to death to death. (Scene XII) â€Å"According to Buchner, the poor are the purest class because they are untainted by pretension and laziness. Even though this also makes them unrefined and animalistic, it is preferable to the kind of stuffy inaction or moral depravity represented by the middle-class figures like the Captain, Doctor, and Drum-Major. Woyzecks poverty also connects him more deeply to the character of Christ; after all, the latter was a humble carpenter who was still capable of the greatest and holiest things.† (Grade Saver: Woyzeck –Full Summary†¦) I entirely agree with the observations of Buchner in the play. When the society is ruled by greed and envy of the middle and rich class, the poor can not be their competitors. From where would the poor get the fighting spirit when curry for the night is worry for the morning and tomorrow’s bread is not assured from today’s labor! When their individual dignity stands punctured at every level and every stage of their lives! The poor are the practical people and they are the purest class. They are not lazy and bifacial. But to live in perennial poverty is the root cause of their emotional suffering and criminal tendencies.